Friday, May 31, 2013

Little Mama Week #23

We had our 23 week appointment yesterday. Doctor said everything looks good. Baby Ashley's heart beat was 148 and I only gained 2 pounds since last time. She is not worried about the weight because she likes for women to gain 2-3 pounds per month. Up until this point I have gained more each month. So in total I have gained 13 pounds. My little piggies can tell it too! Plus my heels hurt more if I am up a lot.

Doctor had an assistant with her as she did her rounds. She must be studying to become an OB/GYN or something like that. She was the one that did all the measuring and listening to his heart beat.

I am measuring at 21cm. Which should equal to how far along I am, but it's not. I am concerned about it, but she didn't seem to we will go with her thoughts. I know it really measures your uterus and has nothing to do with baby growth. But I keep looking online at all the forums and it scares me. I feel like I am not growing enough and that I should eat more. I just have not had a good appetite lately. So I am going to try and not worry about it...unless my doctor says something about it. Just eat healthy.

Our next appointment is at the end of June and that will be the blood sugar test. She gave me the fruit punch to drink and all my instructions. Another lady told me the colder the drink the better it is...almost slushy like. I really need people to pray for me...because I am just scared about this. I usually eat two times before 9:00am and with doing the test you can't eat for 2 hours before you drink the stuff or right after you drink it. So I plan to get up at 5:00am and have a small breakfast and not eat anything else until after they have drawn blood. It is during this time that I am scared that my sugar will fall. I know things will be okay, but I think I will need someone to go with me incase my sugar does drop.

She is also going to do a Chicken Pox test to see if I am immune to them. I have never had them or a shot to prevent them. So maybe I will be immune to them. If not...I feel bad for Chris if Baby Ashley and I both have them. I am not a happy person when I itch! The last time I had poison ivy, the doctor had to give me nerve medicine!

So how is Baby Ashley doing this week?

This week Baby Ashley is about 10.5 to 11.8 inches and about 12.7 ounces. His face is fully formed now. I am excited to see what features he gets from both of us. He can also hear voices and heartbeat and even loud sounds like car horns and dogs barking. I am glad he can hear Bear barking, so he will not be scared of him when he meets him for the first time.

He has been moving several times during the day. He kinda scared me last week by not moving so much. But he has started moving on his normal routine again.

I went to my first breast feeding support group meeting this past Tuesday. The lady who does the classes answered all my questions before it started, so I just basically sat there and watched other parents children play. I do have some crazy stories to tell, but I will keep them to myself. Lets just say that I will not be going back any time soon. Maybe after he is born....but not right now!

People have said how my hair is so shinny. To me it is the same, but I guess it is my vitamins. A friend told me to enjoy it because after Baby Ashley gets here, some of my hair may fall out! GREAT!!!!

Water and the bathroom have become my new friends. I am trying to drink more water, but it is just not my cup of tea. Even with flavor drops it still is boring.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Little Mama Week 22

Time flies when you are having fun!

Baby Ashley is the size of a papaya. He may measure about 10.5 to 11.8 inches and weight between 12.7 -20.8 ounces.

I have a regular appointment Thursday. She will probably listen to his little heart beat and get my vitals. I love hearing his heart beat, makes me comfortable to know he is okay. I am ready to see how much weight I have gained. Some people worry over this, I really am not going to. Unless she tells me different, I will continue to eat like I do...which is healthy. Maybe a candy bar once in a while.

Still no stretch marks! Been putting cream on twice a day. Not the best smelling stuff, but if it works then I can deal with the smell.

Furniture should be arriving soon. Maybe this week. I am excited to get it and for Chris to get it together. His room will start looking more like a nursery then. We still have some items to move out, but we are getting there.

I woke up Saturday morning with sharp pain in my lower pelvic area. It kinda worried me, but it soon went away. Most stuff just said those were ligaments stretching.

My hands and ankles are still swelling some. I have been keeping my feet up a lot when I am home, but work is sometimes hard to do.

I have had two people to ask if I was pregnant. So that makes me feel better. At least maybe they wont think I am just big.

I am going to a breastfeeding class this evening. I have a few questions, so maybe they will be able to help me. I have people around me that will help, but I like to know from a professional about things like this.

Happy Memorial Day!

I was so glad to be able to spend three whole days with Chris and Baby Ashley.
Saturday Chris mowed while I did some house work. Next summer I hope Baby Ashley and I can help daddy outside. Maybe swim or do something. We were supposed to give Bear a bath but time got away from us and we put it off.

Sunday, Joyce and Danny came and went to church with us. We then ate BBQ and some trimmings afterwards. After they left we were pooped! At 4:00 we both were ready for bed, but we got ready and went back to church.

Monday was supposed to be a lazy day, but it didn't turn out that way. Saturday a support board had fell from our side porch and Chris had to fix it. We thought it would only be maybe an hour or two. Boy were we wrong. It took 6 hours to get it fixed and two other boards fixed. Plus we did some more fixing on the rails. The porch needs to be replaced, because it is very old. We are just trying to make it last a little while longer.

Several times during the weekend I would stop and think about the men and women who have lost their lives protecting us. Also their families gave too.

Little Mama Week 21

Baby Ashley is about 10.5 inches and about 12.7 ounces. So far I have gain 11 pounds, so he is probably 1 pound of that. This week Baby Ashley is the size of a pomegranate.

Sleep: Only good when I have two pillows beside me. One on the left and one on the right.

Stretch Marks: Not yet! I have been putting on Palmers Cream each morning and night. I have started to itch more, so I think I will add more during the day. If I get them I get them, if not then that is okay too.

Movement: Oh yes! I kinda have his routine down. Some days are different and it worries me, but then he gets back on his routine and I feel better. He does wake me up sometimes during the night moving. I just lay there and thank God for the little movement. I have a small video of him moving. You have to look close and not blink or you will miss it.

Cravings: Fish....I have never been a big fish eater...but man I could go for some shrimp.

We are excited to get to meet him and just hold and love on him!

So far I have not had heartburn or anything like that. No sickness.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Baby Ashley and Random Stuff

Baby Ashley:
Baby Ashley is growing good. Kicking, punching and moving a lot.

Last Friday night I laid down and I have no idea what he was doing but it felt like he was washing my insides. Or he could have been rubbing his head. Whatever he was doing was amazing!

I have kinda got his routine down as to when he moves. Some days it is more than others.

I am so ready to go back to our next appointment. I just love hearing his little heart beat.

We have ordered furniture and some other things. His bed and dresser are currently on delay...ugh! They were supposed to arrive this week or early next week. Now it looks like 10-14 more days. I went yesterday and purchased his crib mattress. Chris went last Friday and picked up the high chair and car seat/stroller. His mom is keeping the car seat/stroller until our shower, but he went ahead a brought the high chair home.

Random Stuff:
• I am sadden by all the tornadoes in Oklahoma. I have prayed for the families and all the rescue and
• Still trying to trap chipmunks. Peanut butter, popcorn nor bird seed worked. So now what? The bird
  seed caused ants!
• I have now moved into Proverbs! Reading Psalms took a looooong time.
• We have so many little projects around the house that need to be done. Just finding the time is hard.
• Bear is doing good. He has finally found the chipmunks that play right outside his pen. He looks at
  them, unless he sees one of us looking at him then he asks all protective.
• Still trying to move our stuff (mostly mine) out of Baby Ashley's room. We just have no closet space
   in our bedroom.
• I am glad the warm weather has arrived. Time to get outside and tinker.
• I finally went and got some of those blue recycle bags. I have been trying to recycle for awhile now.
  Just seems like the right idea to do. Plus it helps the environment.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Little Mama 20 Weeks

I am just amazed at how fast 20 weeks has gone by. Really it has been 16 weeks because we found out sooner than a lot of people do. I guess? We are half way to meeting our little blessing. I keeping thinking who is Baby Ashley going to look like, act like. Who's nose will he/she have. When we went to our ultrasound we saw his/her big foot. Chris said he had no idea whose feet he/she has because we both have small feet. Baby Ashley's heart and kidney's looked good, had a heart beat of 146 and was sitting just like Chris does with his right foot over his left. Plus he/she has Chris' nose.

I have had the normal growing pains. Nails growing fast. Tired some. Can't sing like I could, not that I can carry a tune in a bucket, but I just give out of breath. My waist measures 36 inches now. Still wearing my dresses and the few items I have bought. No stretch marks yet. We have registered at Babies R Us, Target and Walmart. Baby showers for families have been set. Still deciding on crib and changing table/dresser.

Congrats! You almost reached the halfway point. Making it to 20 weeks probably feels pretty darn good. After all, your energy’s high and as long as your partner is up for it, things are probably happening between the sheets. Of course, it wouldn’t be pregnancy if you weren’t experiencing some annoying symptoms. Right now, it’s likely swelling, heartburn and leg cramps, but all of that probably feels insignificant now that you’ve got ultrasound photos of your rapidly developing baby. How cute is that nose? If you found out baby’s sex, you’re in a completely new mindset, are we right? Now, those baby names you’re throwing out are more likely to end up as baby’s, and when you find yourself in a baby store, those little blue or pink outfits aren’t just adorable, they’re must-haves. And since now you can add clothes and other boyish or girlish things to your wish list, week 20 is the time you probably want to start putting together your baby registry too. Happy shopping!

Baby Ashley weighs about 10.2 ounces and measures about 6.5 inches. He/She's still got a lot of growing to do though.
Now, he/she's gulping down several ounces of amniotic fluid each day -- that's significantly more than before.

Baby Ashley is the size of a banana! He/she is working on taste buds.


Little Mama 19 Weeks

At 19 weeks, you’re probably getting psyched for your mid-pregnancy ultrasound. Most parents-to-be think of this test as the chance they get to find out baby’s sex. But you actually will see a lot more than baby’s boy or girl parts. The ultrasound technician will scan pretty much scan all of baby’s body to make sure everything’s developing properly. Don’t leave the place without getting some printouts from the scan to take home with you and show off. Of course, going in for your test isn’t the only thing you should be planning ahead for around week 19, you should also probably start the search for a pediatrician. Start by asking some family and friends for recommendations and then make a few appointments to meet with the docs. So what do you think it is -- a boy or a girl?

Baby Ashley is about 6.0 inches long and weighing in at about 8.5 ounces, he/she's getting there!
  • Developing a protective coating over her skin, called vernix caseosa. It's greasy and white and you may see some of it at her birth.Working on her five senses. Nerve cells for his/her sense of taste, hearing, sight and smell are developing in her brain.
  • Working on her five senses. Nerve cells for her sense of taste, hearing, sight and smell are developing in her brain.


Little Mama 18 Weeks

I believe 18 weeks came and my stomach decided it was time to come out of hiding! Wow!!!
We had our gender ultrasound and we do know the gender, but we are keeping it off the Internet for now. Just to make sure there are no mistakes!
I have finally got my eating habit down and I don't stay hungry like I did. I wasn't starving but I was constantly hungry. I have gained 4 pounds in the last month. So overall I have gained 11 pounds. Doctor didn't say anything about it, so I guess it is all good. She talked with us about certain test that they can do, if we wanted them, but we decided not to have the test. We will love Baby Ashley either way. I have kinda gotten over my sad moods. I can still cry at anything....Chris is used to it.

What the heck is baby doing in there at 18 weeks? A lot! He’s working his muscles and practicing all kinds of moves. (Can you feel them yet?) Over the next few weeks, you should make sure to start sleeping on your side. That’s because baby (and your uterus) are getting big enough to press against large veins in the back of your abdomen, which can reduce the amount of blood going to your heart, making you feel lightheaded, or worse, lowering your blood pressure. Of course, your veins aren’t the only things that are prone to pressure -- you might be too! Not only are you super busy, but you might be having some not-so-fun symptoms, like swollen feet or hands, backaches, leg cramps and nosebleeds. And the stress and discomfort might be keeping you up at night around week 18. Be sure, in your hectic schedule, that you plan some time to unwind. (Great excuse for some pregnancy pampering! Can you say prenatal massage?!) It’s important to give your body and your mind a break for a little while. That just might help you get the sleep you need, too.
Baby Ashley is about 5.6 inches long and about 6.7 ounces now and he/she keeps on growing rapidly. (That's why you're probably feeling so hungry.) Can you believe he/she's yawning, hiccuping, sucking and swallowing? And he/she's twisting, rolling, punching and kicking, too -- and he/she's big enough that you might be able to feel him/her doing it!


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