Thursday, December 22, 2011

Some catching up...

I need to do some catching up. It hasn't been that long since I posted, but there are a few things that I wanted to post. I have some pictures to go with some of this, but will have to post them later. I am just being lazy, plus most of the pictures are on my phone and it is currently charging.

First we celebrated Chris' 32nd birthday on Saturday, December 18th in Cullman. His mom cooked a delicious meal and made a peanut butter pie and two red velvet cakes. It is a family tradition to get your picture taken with your cake, I will post his picture later. Ashley made him a sweet card and his parents got him an LED Headlamp. The LED Headlamp is really handy at night and when you are working on something in which you need both hands.

Chris and his 32nd Birthday Cake

My play practice for Pride and Prejudice has started....exciting! Tuesday night was the first night of practice and we went through scenes 1&2. I was ready to see how everything would come together. I go tonight, but I am not sure about tomorrow, something that I need to ask about. After the first of the year I will be going more, since I have more parts in the Second Act. We got most of costume measurements taken. That is one thing that I am excited about. Some of the terms they use, I am having to get used to. I had no idea what a block was, but after a couple of minutes I learned what it meant. One of the girls labeled me a freshman! HA! Yep that is me!!!
I just have to get into character. When your nerves are up it is hard to do, so I just need to calm down and get into character. I know I can do this, so I need to let others know that I can.

I am currently at home watching the weather. I love watching it when there are tornadoes. Not that I like the death or distruction they cause, I just like the excitement on tv. There are some tornadoes around the area where my family lives. James Spann is awesome! It is pouring rain here, Bear is in his dog house :)

We had our Christmas party at work. I got a soybean wax candle (Vanilla Pound Cake), it smells so good. I love seeing what others got. I just realized I left my coffee creamer at work :(

We are giving Ashley and William their Christmas gifts tomorrow, since they will not be at MIL & FIL's house Christmas Day. Chris and I got Ashley a Cabbage Patch Kid for Christmas. We renamed her Kensie Kimberl. For whatever reason Ashley likes the name Kensie, so Chris renamed her doll. It was so neat seeing the birth certificate. It has mother and father names plus on the back it has finger and footprints :) So cute! William got Animal and Fozzy from the Muppet Animals. Chris ordered them from the Disney Store. I think the Animal doll is so cute. I would like to have one myself! HA!

I am also loving collecting the My Coke Reward Points. I have received Glamour and Redbook magazines, plus I fridge pack of cokes. They have some good things and some are just not exciting to me.

I know this is random, but that is just what came to mind at the time. HA!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Failure is Not Final

I received this email today and so glad I did. I really needed it after a text conversation.

“...But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead”
(Phillipians 3:13, NIV)

Are you down on yourself today because of past mistakes you’ve made or because you’re not where you want to be in life? God knows every poor choice, every difficulty, every wrong turn you may have made, and He’s already planned your comeback! In scripture, Jonah took a detour, so to speak. It took him a little bit longer, but because he called out to God, because he believed, God not only rescued him, but God got him to his final destination.

Friend, know today that failure is not final. God always has the final say. Mistakes don’t have to keep you from your destiny. God’s plan can override every setback. Your world may be in turmoil today in a relationship, in your finances or health. But know this: not only will God rescue you; He will set your feet on a rock and lead you to your final destination in life. Remember, the promise He placed on the inside of you didn’t go away because you had some personal failures. No, that failure is only temporarym but His Word remains forever! Keep hoping, keep believing because He will move you into the blessing and victory He has prepared for you!


Monday, December 12, 2011

Is Santa True?

I just finished reading a blog where parents decided to tell the truth about Santa to their children, at a young age. Chris and I also have friends that have told the truth to their children about Santa, Tooth Fairy and any other make believe person.

Here are my two cents about this. I have pros and cons, so just stick with me.
1)I feel like the child, who doesn't believe, is going to spoil it for other children. It has always been a norm that Santa was real, so why change it? While all the other children are making Santa list, baking cookies and leaving reindeer food, some children miss out on a fun time.
2)Why take all the fun out of it. Kids get excited to go see Santa and tell him what they want. They have some of the cutest santa letters to you could ever read. They get up early on Christmas Day to see what Santa left, NOT what mom and dad left. Plus you get to bake cookies the night before, what better way to spend Christmas Eve night?
3)Like this is going to be the first time you lie to your child. What are you going to say when they ask where babies come from? Are you going to tell them the full anatomy of man and woman or are you going to lie?
4)Yes you should tell your children about the REAL meaning of Christmas! This is very important and is something that should be read to them at a young age. I believe children should know the story Mary and Joseph. That Jesus is the reason for the season.
5)If you are 13 and you still believe in might need to talk to an adult! Because I believe this is the age or close to it that children should know the truth.

I remember the first Christmas I found out that Santa was not real. I was heart broken! I was at least 12 or 13...When I woke up Christmas Day, I had the same gifts that morning that I had the night before!!! Crap! Until I found out the truth about Santa, I was scared to sleep alone. The song lyric that says..."he knows if your awake" scared the crap out of me. Some man is watching me sleep! So I would always sleep with the covers over my head. Ha!!
But you know what, I have never felt that my parents lied to me or hurt me or anything like that. They were just doing the norm! I am not scarred or disappointed and my life is okay. I have never met a person that is upset at their parents for telling them that Santa was real and then telling them he wasn't.

But each family has their own reasons and I agree with both. I just feel like you are putting your child in a worse place by telling them that Santa is not real (while they are young). I plan on being Santa one day! Getting to bake cookies, stay up late wrapping presents, going to visit Santa and responding to Santa letters!


Thursday, December 8, 2011

Pride and Prejudice #1

Guess who gets to play Mary Bennet in Pride and Prejudice?..............ME!!!

I am really excited, because I have NEVER done anything like this before in my life. I have gotten up in front of people and played charades and once in college did a skit for my sorority, but nothing to this extent.

Lydia, Kitty, Elizabeth, Jane and Mary Bennet.

For a while now I have been looking at a couple of the theatres up here and looking to see what they were putting on. I have always wanted to perform on Broadway in a musical, where I could sing and dance. Well since I can't sing I thought this would be exciting to partake. 

So I found where The Whole Backstage Theatre in Guntersville was having auditions for Pride and Prejudice. After work that Monday I went to the Albertville Library and got a copy of some of the parts that I thought I would like to audition for. Let me remind you, I had never seen the movie nor knew anything about the play or what I was getting into. So, I went home and started researching it on the Internet and reading over the part of Mary Bennet. She had the fewest lines! HA! Tuesday a co-worker brought me the movie to watch. I went straight home and started watching it. After that I knew that I should try out for Mary Bennet for one reason: since this was my first attempt at anything like this, I needed a small role. Wednesday I started trying to remember my lines and I watched the movie again. Thursday was the first day of auditions. Boy was I nervous! My heart was beating so fast, I know the director had to of known I was nervous. I read through my lines twice and learned I had to speak with a British accent. Oh boy!!! What have I gotten into? Friday was a long night. I got there at 6:00 and left a little before 9:00 p.m. I didn't read my lines but I stood in for a couple of other parts. Saturday morning was the last of the auditions at 10:00. I read my lines once and left at 10:45. 

It was a waiting game to see if I had made it. The director emailed a list of the cast on Monday and glory to God, I made it!!!! I checked every Facebook and Twitter page I could find to see the cast list.
Mary Bennet

Now the fun begins! (At least that is what others tell me). I am excited and nervous at the same time. I am so excited to see how this all comes together. I am a planner and need to know NOW how this is going to work. Something I need to just sit back and wait for. We have a read-thru on December 17th at 10:00 and start rehearsals on December 20th (Chris' birthday). The play opens February 10th!

I am excited to see what I get to wear!

There is some amazing talent in this play! Some of the cast just amaze me how they can jump into character so fast. I guess it is because they have been doing this for many years now.

Again, I want to thank God for giving me this opportunity in life!


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