Monday, November 28, 2011

Random Thoughts

You know, I have these random thoughts and just would like to right them down for later references.
•I am getting tired of Facebook for a couple of reasons:
       Why do people think that others care that you are at your home with their husband/wife. I am glad that you are there and that you are safe, but come on....get a life! I don't care if you are at Taco Bell with your best friend, I am just glad you can afford to eat out.
   2. People air their dirty laundry on there. All I can say about that is GROW UP!
   3. Why do people take 90 pictures of themselves? One every couple of months will do the trick. Unless you get plastic surgery...Then we really need to see the results.
•Why do people run and get bread and milk when all you are getting is a light dusting of snow?

•Christmas is so much more enjoyable this year!
•My high school played their last football game 11/25/11. The schools will combine next year.
•I am getting somewhat used to Chris being gone during the week.
•Bear got his collar stuck around his right front leg Saturday. It took Chris and I both to get it off.
•My friends want me to bring Wilson up to live with us now that Chris is gone during the week. It would be fun and I do miss him.
•Alabama won the Iron Bowl. To me it was an okay game. I like close, exciting games.
•I need to get a doctor up here. I haven't been in a hurry to do it. I have just been using doctors and doc in the box places.
•I just saw a car stuck under an 18 wheeler. Scary! Hope they are okay.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

William's Dedication

Sunday, November 13th was William's baby dedication at their church (Capshaw Baptist Church). Chris and I drove up to Huntsville Sunday morning and attended the service along with Danny, Joyce, Granny, Sterlings mom, Jessica and Chris. Chris video taped it for Miranda and Sterling.
There were several other children being dedicated at the same time.
The photo below is not the best. Not sure why....I would think it is because I have no idea how to figure out all the settings. Plus they had the lights I really don't know.

Miranda, Ashley, Sterling and William
Here is nice picture of Chris and Ashley sitting on the staircase. We had to wait in the lobby of the church, due to an earlier church service taking place.


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

What have we been up to?

Really not much. But here is a list.
•Chris started a new job :)
•Ace moved :(
•Bear turned 5. You can read more about it Here.
•Work is crazy
•Started my Christmas list
•House is still for sale
•Spent almost $500 on my car
•Learned someone was turning on our gas grill outside....dangerous!
•Trying to keep my mums alive
•Still digging up mushrooms
•Alabama lost to LSU :(
•Getting ready to see who wins the NASCAR Championship
•Put out some of my Fall decor
•Dressed up for Halloween - Black Cat


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