Friday, June 24, 2011

Things that I like

Thought I would do a post on things that I like RIGHT NOW. It will probably change though. My mind changes just like the seasons! HA!!!
Anyway here they are:
Bubble Gum (out of the machine) - I have put more quarters into the one at work than I need to. I know it is bad for your teeth, and plus it really doesn't last long. Sometimes I get four, three or two. Just what ever the machine gives me. You are supposed to get two for a quarter, but it hardly ever does that.
Twizzlers - The kind with the tangy filling. My friend Kim got me addicted to them.
Cucumbers - My friend Sherrie has a garden and she brings them to us at work. Thanks Sherrie!
Wearing my new shoes - I got them a couple of weekends ago and I would wear them with everything, if they went with everything.
The Internet on my cell phone - I LOVE IT!!! I can check everything at anytime I want. It is just so convenient.
My Bobble - My mom got it for me a couple of weekends ago at Old Navy. I got the yellow top.
My hair - It is still in the training mode. Some days it does real good, and others it just gives up and does its own thing.


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