Tuesday, July 24, 2012

50 Shades of Grey!

Why did I start these books? I keep telling myself that I am not a reader, but these books have caught my attention.

Why has it caught my attention? First off, I started hearing about them from random friends on Facebook and Twitter. Never knowing what they were really about. So I picked them up and have not been able to put them down. Oh my that Mr. Grey....!
When I started reading them, I was like...no man will ever treat me that way. He is a sorry man and should not have all his man parts! Then I got into 50 Shades Darker and I got more interested in this man...not so much what he was doing, but his person. He is so intriguing! So...now I am addicted. Plus three of my friends have started reading it and we all laugh everyday about....Christian Grey!



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