Friday, August 20, 2010

So what have we been up to?

Since Chris got the job at Locust Fork, we have been really busy. I am trying to get used to him coming in late. I got so used to him being home when I got home from work and it is taking me some time to get used to his late nights.

Last weekend we went to the football field because the parents had to clean up the concession stand. We stayed there for a little while. I got to meet some more parents and they were really nice.
After we got through at the concession stand we went to Chris' parents house to celebrate Chris' job. We stayed longer than we had planned, but we didn't mind, because spending time with them is so enjoyable.

I think I forgot to post about mom having surgery a couple of weeks ago. She had stints placed in her left leg. The surgery was done at Russell Medical Center in Alexander City. I went down the night before so I could be at the hospital with her. Dad, mawmaw and Aunt Brenda were there. Adam works there now, so he came up to her room when he had a chance. Everything went great and she was able to come home that afternoon.
A couple of weekends ago Chris and I went to the DCI (Drum Corps International) Show in Atlanta, GA. We have been going for the last four years. We really enjoy it and I hope we can continue to go each year. Miranda and Sterling also went. I am glad they went with us, it is so good to spend time with them. They spent the night Saturday, because we got home around 2:00am. Luckly Chris and I made it to church, I wasn't sure we would, but we did. I really could have slept in more. I am not a huge fan of going to bed at that time. I am a 9:00 or 10:00 girl.

I told Chris last year that when we have children and if they are in band, that they ARE going to march drum corps, because I want to travel with them! Just kidding!!!!!!!!! It just seems like a really fun experience.


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