Friday, September 20, 2013

We are still a baking!

Who would have thought we are 39 weeks and nothing has changed? Baby Ashley is just happy to be where he is and doesn't seem to want to come and join us right yet. I do try and talk him into coming out. On my birthday I told him that if he came we would give him ice cream and cake! Chris tells him that he can come on out, daddy is home.

Chris and I had our 39 week appointment yesterday. Nothing has changed, so we go back next Thursday (unless he comes before then). She will check fluid level, his weight and lungs. We may even discuss inducing. She first said she was not a fan of if, but I guess at this time, it maybe our only option.

Some of the things I have tried to get labor started are: walking, eating pineapple, spicy food and a warm bath.

People have asked if I am nervous. I do get nervous every once in awhile, but for the most part I am ready to get things going. I have had no big contractions. The ones I think I have had just feel like small menstrual cramps and they last for about 30 minutes give or take.

My belly seems to be more moved to the left than anything. I am also crooked. My stomach is higher on the right side than the left. Our doctor is even amazed at how oddly shaped I am. My friend Kim said that looking at me from the breast up, you would never know I was pregnant. So I am carrying, what weight I have gained all in my belly. Which is good and I hope it is not hard to loose, but I just have to do what is best for baby and myself. I am really not worried about the weight.

On a different note. Not one that I ever imagined I would have to put down. My job will be ending on October 4th. Talk about having to make quick decisions. At a time when we should be calm and enjoying this time in our lives, we have to make a decision that is very important to our family. I wont go into detail, but things are looking good for one job offer. Chris and I have some decisions that need to be made and they are not that easy. We have prayed for the Lord to place us where He wants us. Stepping out on faith is hard, but something we must do. I try not to get depressed and remember that I am right where God wants me to be. He knows what the future holds for us and we need not to worry. But again, we are human and it will happen.

So I ask that you pray for us and our new little family during this time.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

38 Week Appointment

No news is good news right? Well at least that is what some people say.

We had our 38 week appointment today and nothing, I repeat nothing has changed down there. Y'all we are as ready as we can be for Baby Boy Ashley to come. I was so praying that at least I had dilated some. It just seems exciting to say, "Oh I am at a two". But nope, he is still hanging out....getting bigger and stronger. So the waiting continues!

My doctor did say that she would allow me to go over my due date, but not sure how much over. We go back next Thursday and maybe we will have made some progress. She is not fond of inducing either, unless she has to. So we will ride this out for two more weeks and see what happens.


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Count Down Has Started

We are on baby watch! Any day now.... :)

We are currently 37 weeks and 4 days. It is hard to believe we are this far along. I am getting anxious for everything to get started, so we can meet this little guy and start a whole new journey. We have his room ready and bags packed. I still have a few blankets to wash this week, and that will be it.

The only complaint I have is not being able to get comfortable to sleep. I start out in the bed then end up on the couch. I am so ready to snuggle up with Chris! Another issue I have and most pregnant ladies have it is the swollen feet. They pretty much stay that way. My BP is fine, so the doctor is not worried.

We went two weeks ago for a check up and she wanted to check his position with ultrasound. At first she thought he was transverse, but after the ultrasound he is head down with his bottom on my right side and his feet to the left. The ultrasound tech asked if she could switch over to 4D. I was like heck yes. The better the picture the better I like it. So, she gave us one 4D picture of him. Of course he stuck his hands up to his face when she started the 4D. All our 4D pictures have his hands in front of his face. Just like his pictures please!

As I type this he is moving around. I just got done with lunch, so he is happy. I haven't counted moves, but I have made sure that he moves around a lot. On weekends when I am busy, I try and lay down to feel his moves.

We have several family members with birthdays in September. My aunts birthday was last Friday and she kept asking all day if I felt different. Then yesterday would have been my grandfathers birthday and I know my family was praying for him to arrive then. We have three more birthdays this month, so we will see if he makes his appearance on anyone of them.

Bear is giving me the smell down in the mornings. Some things I have read say that animals can sense when labor is about to start and will act differently. This morning he just kept smelling.

Our church gave us a shower this pasted Sunday. We are just so blessed to have them in our lives. They were planning on doing a shower even if we didn't join the church. Baby Ashley got a lot of nice things!

Speaking of joining the church! We joined about two or three weeks ago. We have been visiting for several months now and just felt like this is where we should be. Chris joined by letter and I will have to be baptized at a later time. We had thought I could do it while pregnant, but after watching me try and get up off the couch, Chris thought it would be better to wait...and I agree.

Maybe the next time I blog we will have a little one to share with you.

Oh and a name!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Info overload

I think I like doing one post every once in a while. Doing them every week, gets old and I usually end up repeating myself. So for now I will just update when I can.

•Baby Boy Ashley's room is coming together. We still have a few things to move out and rearrange.

•I feel like I need to say Baby Boy Ashley. Baby Ashley sounds like a girl. Thanks to a friend of mine for mentioning this.

•We have one more shower to go, then we can rest and figure out what else we need. Then try and get his room ready. I like to get things done early and over with. Not good with last minute running around.

•Chris got the pack n play and bouncy/swing put together over the weekend.

•I go back to the doctor this Thursday.

•Baby Boy Ashley has been moving a lot. Mostly up under my b***s.

•Feet, ankles and hands are swelling more. They would only swell in the evenings. Now they are swelled in the morning and just about all day. Propping them up helps...but who really has time to lay down for 30 minutes several times a day?

•Here is my cake from our Ashland shower. You can't see the little foot print on the bottom left of the stomach, but it really made the cake cute.

•This is one of my favorite outfits that Baby Boy Ashley has received.
•When I can upload pictures from our new camera at home. I will post pictures from our Cullman shower. Chris' mom made some very cute blankets and I want to show everyone.

•Bear killed a mole Sunday night. He would not let me remove it from his pen, so he carried it with us on our morning walk. He soon dropped it and we quickly moved on.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Sleep...What's That?

Well let me just say that I am glad you start getting no sleep before your child comes, because if it had happened all at once, I would be crazy.

This weekend was horrible in the sleep department. I would get comfortable then he would put pressure on my right lower ribs after that the upper part of my back would hurt. The pain would alternate between areas.

I tossed and turned. Woke Chris up at midnight. I think I tried sleeping anyway I could think of. At 2:00a.m. I finally went and slept on the couch, thinking that might help...wrong! Same old story there. I think I finally fell asleep sitting almost straight up. The crock pot woke me up at 6:00am. Then I finally woke up at 8:30am.

We did not make church Sunday morning, but we went Sunday night.

So, I have got to find a comfortable way to sleep. It is just not healthy for me to run on less than 8 hours of sleep! I know this will change and thank goodness it is a slow change. Maybe in two months I will be used to it.

But I am blessed to have little sleep! Even when I can't sleep, I smile because of the reason why!

My legs sometimes feel like they are numb. If I sit a long time. is all worth it.

Last night Chris was rubbing my belly and said, "There is a huge bump right there"....Yep, it is either his bottom or something that sticks out. That is what I believe is causing my rib issues.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

I am not gone!

I didn't realize how long it has been since I  posted anything. I will try and do better, but then again I do have my little family to take care of.

I am not going to do several post that I missed I will just catch you up in a few random thoughts.

•We went for our 4D Ultrasound Monday. Baby Ashley kept his little hands and umbilical cord in his face for the most part. We did get a good face picture though. The tech. did everything she could to make him move his hands, but he was determined to keep them there. At one point he made the "Looser" symbol with his right hand on his forehead. We all laughed! She made sure he is still a he and trust me he is!

•Sleep is becoming more uncomfortable. I do get up once or twice during the night to potty. I am told it will get worse.

•He is head down and keeps his little feet and bottom in my ribs. I have had a couple of times where his kicks or whatever he is doing, really has hurt.

•We had our first baby shower Saturday in Cullman. We got a lot of clothes, diapers and books. Sunday we tried to get things organized in his room. We did a good job of deciding where things will go.

•All this week I have washed baby clothes. I could have washed them all together, but I rather them get clean and smell good.

•I get tired easier. Feet swell more! Tailbone is still hurting at work.

•We have a daycare!!!!! He will be going to the church we go to. I am so thankful for this opening. We really wanted him in a good christian environment and I believe he will get it there.

•I now have gained 20 pounds! Wow! Ultrasound tech said he should be around 8lbs. I believe my eyes popped out of my head for a few seconds. So if I keep up eating how I am eating I will be in the normal 25-35 pound range.

•I bought a few more maternity items. I hope they will get me through to the end.

•Chris and I went to our last baby class. We also got to tour the Women's and Children's Unit.

•A couple of days ago I just had stressed out moment. I decided to only worry about Chris and I and Baby Ashley. I am tired of making choices that others can make.

•We got our new camera and accessories in. I have played with them some. I am excited to get to take thousands of pictures of Baby Ashley when he comes. So get prepared to see several pictures! I mean, who doesn't want to show off their baby?

•Since we got a lot of books at our Cullman Shower, I have been reading to him every night. In the mornings we read the Bible.

•Bear is still the same. We still go for walks in the mornings. He will some times smell my belly. It's like he knows something is not the same. I gave him a bath a few weekends ago and he did good. Me not so much. Chris will have to bath him from now on. It is just to hard to bend over and bath him. I keep talking about Baby Ashley (but I use his name) when talking to Bear. So he will know the name.

I believe that is it for now. I will try and keep things updated!


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Glucose Test

So I had the dreaded glucose test this morning :) It actually turned out better than I thought. I was so nervous about getting sick, but I prayed many times about putting it in God's hands. And He took care of me and Chris.

So Chris got home early this morning and we finally went to sleep around 4:00. I just can't fall asleep when I am nervous. I got up at 5:00 and ate some oatmeal, then laid back down and slept until 6:00. I started drinking the stuff, as I call it, around 7:11 and finished at 7:15. I got Chris up and we left for the doctor's office. As soon as we got there I told them I needed to give blood for my glucose test. So they took me on back and did all the blood work and stuff they normally do.

We don't know the results yet. Doctor said if I failed she would call back next week, but that if things were good she would go over the results at our next appointment.

They were supposed to do a Chicken Pox blood work to see if I am immune to them since I have never had them nor the vaccine. But they didn't. So we will get it at our next appointment.

I have gained 17 pounds so far. She said baby was probably around 2 pounds now. Nothing to be worried about. He just needs to stay in there a while longer. She did measure me, but I have no idea what the results were.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Little Mama Week #26

Good afternoon!

I still find it hard to believe we are at week 26. God has blessed us in so many ways. We still have three baby showers to go, so once those get underway we will know where we stand with getting the nursery ready. I try to do a little when we get gifts. Mostly it is washing new/old clothes.

This week has been good. Still feeling like a tick. Sleep is okay..not the best. I am normally a stomach sleeper, so I am having to adjust.

Eating is still hard. Just can't eat a big meal. I did eat some watermelon the other night and boy I could tell. I felt so huge! So now I only eat a small amount, but it is hard because I LOVE watermelon.

Feet and ankles are swelling more. I took a picture of them yesterday, but I just rathe not show right now. Needless to say I have a stool and cushion with me today. They will stay here until Baby Ashley is born.

One thing I can't believe is that I bought size 7 underwear. They are large. I know it is for a good reason, so I will not complain. I will probably buy bigger sizes as the weeks go by.

Still wearing the same maternity clothes that I have. Some are just dresses that I have had for a long time. I put on a dress over the weekend and it was very much short in the front. So it will not work for too much longer. I am able to wear some shirts that I had before pregnancy, but I am sure I will need a few more towards the end. I am just going to wear what I have until I need more.

My tailbone is probably the number one thing that hurts the most. It mostly hurts while I am at work. I try sitting up straight, taking small walks, using a cushion...but nothing has helped so far.

So, lets see what Baby Ashley has been up to this week.

When I saw the lettuce...I was like oh my goodness. I have a small head of lettuce in my belly!
Baby Ashley is 13.6 to 14.8 inches long and 1.5 to 2.5 pounds. His eyes are forming and will soon open. Eyelashes are now grown. I hope he has long ones like me! His immune system is starting to get ready for life on the outside by soaking up antibodies. He is also breathing too...just amniotic fluid.

He has been a little wiggle worm this week. Mostly after lunch.

We go tomorrow for our blood test. Chris is coming home tonight to go with me. I am still scared about getting sick. So please say a pray for me from about 5:00a.m. until 8:30a.m. tomorrow morning. I told the Lord this morning that I could not stress over this and He was going to have to handle it.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Little Mama Week #25

I am blessed to be at week 25. Baby Ashley is doing is also. Some days I lay in bed and just watch him move around. I think what will it be like this time next year. I walk into his nursery and stare at his crib thinking about him laying there.

Everything is still the same. I am sure my weight has increased, but that is fine with me!

Feeling more kicks every day. Some days he just likes to hang out and chill. Which scares me! He loves to move during and after I eat. There are a few foods that don't agree with us...but that is okay.

Chris said he is going to take a video of me walking so I can see what I look like. I am sure I waddle!

I love Chris putting his hands on my belly and even kissing it. He is going to be a great father.

I just don't understand how people say they didn't know they were pregnant.

My mind is gone...maybe one day I will get it back. I try to keep my nails cut, but I can't remember which ones I have cut. I put the bread in the fridge. Forget the clothes in the wash or dryer. There are many other things that I have done, but can't remember them.

Still wearing some clothes I had before I got pregnant. Mostly dresses. I love the dresses, they are so much more comfortable than pants. But I do love my maternity pants, they are comfortable.

My bottom has been given me problems at work. Just can't sit for very long. I need a donut hole to sit on!

Wow...the bump says we are on month 6! Only three more to go....really! Time has gone by that fast? Baby Ashley may measure 13.6 to 14.8 inches and weigh about 1.5 to 2.5 pounds. He finally knows which way is up and which way is down. He is growing more fat and hair. I wonder what type of hair he will have. I think it will be wavy. I also wonder if he will have a lot of hair or very few.

Little Mama Week #24

Week 24 bought us a little scare. I started bleeding and was so scared. Chris came home and went with me to the doctor. She did all her normal test plus an ultrasound. Me and Baby Ashley are doing good. She could not find anything wrong and said that this was a normal experience. Not normal to this first time mom! She gave me two weeks of pelvic rest and sent us home. Thank the Lord we have been doing good since then.

I gained two pounds in one week! I believe it was some cookies Chris' mom had made. They were so soft and good...I mean who could resist them?

No stretch marks yet. Still putting on the lotion. I really don't mind if I get them. They will always be my little reminder of what took place.

My eating is getting less. I just can't hold that much food at one time. When I do "pig out", I fell so bad.

Still sleeping with two pillows.

Chris and I had a family reunion to attend to on the 1st. It was held at Sportsman Lake in Cullman. We mainly sat around and talked. Which was what I had planned to do. Later on that day I went with Ashley and William and others to feed the ducks and did a little more walking than I needed to. I got a tad bit hot and knew I needed to cool off and sit down. So I came back and sat with Chris.

This week Baby Ashley is the size of a cantaloupe. He is between 10.5 and 11.8 inches long and weights about 12.7 to 20.8 ounces. His see through skin is becoming more opaque. The skin has a new pink glow, thanks to small capillaries that have recently formed.

My little Linea Nigra has made its appearance. Plus my belly button looks like it is bruised some.

I have been very blessed to carry Baby Ashley. I am loving all the kicks and punches he gives me!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Locking Myself Out

So yesterday was a ball of fun.

I left work went to the farmers market close to our house and bought some produce. Go to Guntersville to get Chris' father's day present made and come home.

This is where the fun starts.

I get out to the get mail, push my car door up but not all the way. When I try to get back in, I realized I had locked myself out of the car. The car is running. My purse, phone and everything is on the inside and I can't get the door open :) Just great...I knew this was going to happen...I was just waiting for the day. It would have to happen on the hottest day so far of the year. I think the temp was around 91 or 92 degrees. The humidity was very high also.

So my first thought was not to panic...I will get this door open. I went to the house and found a bungee cord that Chris uses. It didn't work. So I went back to the house and found the grill brush, because it has a hook on the end of it. I could touch the lock, but didn't have enough pressure to lift the lock. At this point I knew I needed help.

I walked across the road to see if our neighbors were luck. Next door to them a young guy was mowing a yard. So I explained to him what I had done and see if he would call the police. Well he called his uncle who is something in the fire department to see if he could help. He gave us the number to the police station. The young guy called and explained everything and they said they would be there shortly. I walked back across the road and stood under a tree to wait, because the police station is only two miles from our house. It would not take them long to get there.

I stood and stood and stood and waited and waited. Finally I walked down to the house and sat on the carport step and used a piece of mail to fan myself with. Let me remind you...IT WAS HOT! So I waited and waited and waited....forever! No cops! I tried to stay calm, but at this point I was hot, feet swelling, needing to pee, feet, back and legs hurting, hungry...just plain miserable!

I was about to walk down the road to another house when I saw the owner drive up the road. So, now he is not home either. There is one more house close by, but I didn't see anyone there. So I walked back to my car. While walking back I noticed a neighbor was home. The one I thought was not at home. So I walked across the road to see if I could use his phone to call the police. He let me use it and needless to say the dispatcher got a piece of my mind. I told him it had been over 30 minutes (which was well under the time frame) since someone had called. He asked people in the background and then told me all the police were out at emergencies. He could tell by my voice that I was not happy. The dispatcher said when they got through with the emergencies they would be there. WHATEVER! We live two miles from the station. I could have walked there and got help faster!

So our neighbor was kind enough to get a clothes hanger and unlock my door.

I got in the house after an hour or more of waiting for the cops. When I got in and got settled, I called them back and told them to not worry about coming that a neighbor had done the job. The guy said, "Ok" and hung up.

So thanks to the Boaz Police Department for all their non help. I think they were actually doing shift changes and didn't want to be bothered. I mean, do you not have any officers just out on patrol? Who is catching the speeders? You can't tell me there were that many emergencies in Boaz for two hours, that needed ALL your policemen.

One reason I love a small town. I could of had this solved in 30 minutes or less. But not in Boaz...they have big emergencies!

Friday, May 31, 2013

Little Mama Week #23

We had our 23 week appointment yesterday. Doctor said everything looks good. Baby Ashley's heart beat was 148 and I only gained 2 pounds since last time. She is not worried about the weight because she likes for women to gain 2-3 pounds per month. Up until this point I have gained more each month. So in total I have gained 13 pounds. My little piggies can tell it too! Plus my heels hurt more if I am up a lot.

Doctor had an assistant with her as she did her rounds. She must be studying to become an OB/GYN or something like that. She was the one that did all the measuring and listening to his heart beat.

I am measuring at 21cm. Which should equal to how far along I am, but it's not. I am concerned about it, but she didn't seem to we will go with her thoughts. I know it really measures your uterus and has nothing to do with baby growth. But I keep looking online at all the forums and it scares me. I feel like I am not growing enough and that I should eat more. I just have not had a good appetite lately. So I am going to try and not worry about it...unless my doctor says something about it. Just eat healthy.

Our next appointment is at the end of June and that will be the blood sugar test. She gave me the fruit punch to drink and all my instructions. Another lady told me the colder the drink the better it is...almost slushy like. I really need people to pray for me...because I am just scared about this. I usually eat two times before 9:00am and with doing the test you can't eat for 2 hours before you drink the stuff or right after you drink it. So I plan to get up at 5:00am and have a small breakfast and not eat anything else until after they have drawn blood. It is during this time that I am scared that my sugar will fall. I know things will be okay, but I think I will need someone to go with me incase my sugar does drop.

She is also going to do a Chicken Pox test to see if I am immune to them. I have never had them or a shot to prevent them. So maybe I will be immune to them. If not...I feel bad for Chris if Baby Ashley and I both have them. I am not a happy person when I itch! The last time I had poison ivy, the doctor had to give me nerve medicine!

So how is Baby Ashley doing this week?

This week Baby Ashley is about 10.5 to 11.8 inches and about 12.7 ounces. His face is fully formed now. I am excited to see what features he gets from both of us. He can also hear voices and heartbeat and even loud sounds like car horns and dogs barking. I am glad he can hear Bear barking, so he will not be scared of him when he meets him for the first time.

He has been moving several times during the day. He kinda scared me last week by not moving so much. But he has started moving on his normal routine again.

I went to my first breast feeding support group meeting this past Tuesday. The lady who does the classes answered all my questions before it started, so I just basically sat there and watched other parents children play. I do have some crazy stories to tell, but I will keep them to myself. Lets just say that I will not be going back any time soon. Maybe after he is born....but not right now!

People have said how my hair is so shinny. To me it is the same, but I guess it is my vitamins. A friend told me to enjoy it because after Baby Ashley gets here, some of my hair may fall out! GREAT!!!!

Water and the bathroom have become my new friends. I am trying to drink more water, but it is just not my cup of tea. Even with flavor drops it still is boring.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Little Mama Week 22

Time flies when you are having fun!

Baby Ashley is the size of a papaya. He may measure about 10.5 to 11.8 inches and weight between 12.7 -20.8 ounces.

I have a regular appointment Thursday. She will probably listen to his little heart beat and get my vitals. I love hearing his heart beat, makes me comfortable to know he is okay. I am ready to see how much weight I have gained. Some people worry over this, I really am not going to. Unless she tells me different, I will continue to eat like I do...which is healthy. Maybe a candy bar once in a while.

Still no stretch marks! Been putting cream on twice a day. Not the best smelling stuff, but if it works then I can deal with the smell.

Furniture should be arriving soon. Maybe this week. I am excited to get it and for Chris to get it together. His room will start looking more like a nursery then. We still have some items to move out, but we are getting there.

I woke up Saturday morning with sharp pain in my lower pelvic area. It kinda worried me, but it soon went away. Most stuff just said those were ligaments stretching.

My hands and ankles are still swelling some. I have been keeping my feet up a lot when I am home, but work is sometimes hard to do.

I have had two people to ask if I was pregnant. So that makes me feel better. At least maybe they wont think I am just big.

I am going to a breastfeeding class this evening. I have a few questions, so maybe they will be able to help me. I have people around me that will help, but I like to know from a professional about things like this.

Happy Memorial Day!

I was so glad to be able to spend three whole days with Chris and Baby Ashley.
Saturday Chris mowed while I did some house work. Next summer I hope Baby Ashley and I can help daddy outside. Maybe swim or do something. We were supposed to give Bear a bath but time got away from us and we put it off.

Sunday, Joyce and Danny came and went to church with us. We then ate BBQ and some trimmings afterwards. After they left we were pooped! At 4:00 we both were ready for bed, but we got ready and went back to church.

Monday was supposed to be a lazy day, but it didn't turn out that way. Saturday a support board had fell from our side porch and Chris had to fix it. We thought it would only be maybe an hour or two. Boy were we wrong. It took 6 hours to get it fixed and two other boards fixed. Plus we did some more fixing on the rails. The porch needs to be replaced, because it is very old. We are just trying to make it last a little while longer.

Several times during the weekend I would stop and think about the men and women who have lost their lives protecting us. Also their families gave too.

Little Mama Week 21

Baby Ashley is about 10.5 inches and about 12.7 ounces. So far I have gain 11 pounds, so he is probably 1 pound of that. This week Baby Ashley is the size of a pomegranate.

Sleep: Only good when I have two pillows beside me. One on the left and one on the right.

Stretch Marks: Not yet! I have been putting on Palmers Cream each morning and night. I have started to itch more, so I think I will add more during the day. If I get them I get them, if not then that is okay too.

Movement: Oh yes! I kinda have his routine down. Some days are different and it worries me, but then he gets back on his routine and I feel better. He does wake me up sometimes during the night moving. I just lay there and thank God for the little movement. I have a small video of him moving. You have to look close and not blink or you will miss it.

Cravings: Fish....I have never been a big fish eater...but man I could go for some shrimp.

We are excited to get to meet him and just hold and love on him!

So far I have not had heartburn or anything like that. No sickness.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Baby Ashley and Random Stuff

Baby Ashley:
Baby Ashley is growing good. Kicking, punching and moving a lot.

Last Friday night I laid down and I have no idea what he was doing but it felt like he was washing my insides. Or he could have been rubbing his head. Whatever he was doing was amazing!

I have kinda got his routine down as to when he moves. Some days it is more than others.

I am so ready to go back to our next appointment. I just love hearing his little heart beat.

We have ordered furniture and some other things. His bed and dresser are currently on delay...ugh! They were supposed to arrive this week or early next week. Now it looks like 10-14 more days. I went yesterday and purchased his crib mattress. Chris went last Friday and picked up the high chair and car seat/stroller. His mom is keeping the car seat/stroller until our shower, but he went ahead a brought the high chair home.

Random Stuff:
• I am sadden by all the tornadoes in Oklahoma. I have prayed for the families and all the rescue and
• Still trying to trap chipmunks. Peanut butter, popcorn nor bird seed worked. So now what? The bird
  seed caused ants!
• I have now moved into Proverbs! Reading Psalms took a looooong time.
• We have so many little projects around the house that need to be done. Just finding the time is hard.
• Bear is doing good. He has finally found the chipmunks that play right outside his pen. He looks at
  them, unless he sees one of us looking at him then he asks all protective.
• Still trying to move our stuff (mostly mine) out of Baby Ashley's room. We just have no closet space
   in our bedroom.
• I am glad the warm weather has arrived. Time to get outside and tinker.
• I finally went and got some of those blue recycle bags. I have been trying to recycle for awhile now.
  Just seems like the right idea to do. Plus it helps the environment.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Little Mama 20 Weeks

I am just amazed at how fast 20 weeks has gone by. Really it has been 16 weeks because we found out sooner than a lot of people do. I guess? We are half way to meeting our little blessing. I keeping thinking who is Baby Ashley going to look like, act like. Who's nose will he/she have. When we went to our ultrasound we saw his/her big foot. Chris said he had no idea whose feet he/she has because we both have small feet. Baby Ashley's heart and kidney's looked good, had a heart beat of 146 and was sitting just like Chris does with his right foot over his left. Plus he/she has Chris' nose.

I have had the normal growing pains. Nails growing fast. Tired some. Can't sing like I could, not that I can carry a tune in a bucket, but I just give out of breath. My waist measures 36 inches now. Still wearing my dresses and the few items I have bought. No stretch marks yet. We have registered at Babies R Us, Target and Walmart. Baby showers for families have been set. Still deciding on crib and changing table/dresser.

Congrats! You almost reached the halfway point. Making it to 20 weeks probably feels pretty darn good. After all, your energy’s high and as long as your partner is up for it, things are probably happening between the sheets. Of course, it wouldn’t be pregnancy if you weren’t experiencing some annoying symptoms. Right now, it’s likely swelling, heartburn and leg cramps, but all of that probably feels insignificant now that you’ve got ultrasound photos of your rapidly developing baby. How cute is that nose? If you found out baby’s sex, you’re in a completely new mindset, are we right? Now, those baby names you’re throwing out are more likely to end up as baby’s, and when you find yourself in a baby store, those little blue or pink outfits aren’t just adorable, they’re must-haves. And since now you can add clothes and other boyish or girlish things to your wish list, week 20 is the time you probably want to start putting together your baby registry too. Happy shopping!

Baby Ashley weighs about 10.2 ounces and measures about 6.5 inches. He/She's still got a lot of growing to do though.
Now, he/she's gulping down several ounces of amniotic fluid each day -- that's significantly more than before.

Baby Ashley is the size of a banana! He/she is working on taste buds.


Little Mama 19 Weeks

At 19 weeks, you’re probably getting psyched for your mid-pregnancy ultrasound. Most parents-to-be think of this test as the chance they get to find out baby’s sex. But you actually will see a lot more than baby’s boy or girl parts. The ultrasound technician will scan pretty much scan all of baby’s body to make sure everything’s developing properly. Don’t leave the place without getting some printouts from the scan to take home with you and show off. Of course, going in for your test isn’t the only thing you should be planning ahead for around week 19, you should also probably start the search for a pediatrician. Start by asking some family and friends for recommendations and then make a few appointments to meet with the docs. So what do you think it is -- a boy or a girl?

Baby Ashley is about 6.0 inches long and weighing in at about 8.5 ounces, he/she's getting there!
  • Developing a protective coating over her skin, called vernix caseosa. It's greasy and white and you may see some of it at her birth.Working on her five senses. Nerve cells for his/her sense of taste, hearing, sight and smell are developing in her brain.
  • Working on her five senses. Nerve cells for her sense of taste, hearing, sight and smell are developing in her brain.


Little Mama 18 Weeks

I believe 18 weeks came and my stomach decided it was time to come out of hiding! Wow!!!
We had our gender ultrasound and we do know the gender, but we are keeping it off the Internet for now. Just to make sure there are no mistakes!
I have finally got my eating habit down and I don't stay hungry like I did. I wasn't starving but I was constantly hungry. I have gained 4 pounds in the last month. So overall I have gained 11 pounds. Doctor didn't say anything about it, so I guess it is all good. She talked with us about certain test that they can do, if we wanted them, but we decided not to have the test. We will love Baby Ashley either way. I have kinda gotten over my sad moods. I can still cry at anything....Chris is used to it.

What the heck is baby doing in there at 18 weeks? A lot! He’s working his muscles and practicing all kinds of moves. (Can you feel them yet?) Over the next few weeks, you should make sure to start sleeping on your side. That’s because baby (and your uterus) are getting big enough to press against large veins in the back of your abdomen, which can reduce the amount of blood going to your heart, making you feel lightheaded, or worse, lowering your blood pressure. Of course, your veins aren’t the only things that are prone to pressure -- you might be too! Not only are you super busy, but you might be having some not-so-fun symptoms, like swollen feet or hands, backaches, leg cramps and nosebleeds. And the stress and discomfort might be keeping you up at night around week 18. Be sure, in your hectic schedule, that you plan some time to unwind. (Great excuse for some pregnancy pampering! Can you say prenatal massage?!) It’s important to give your body and your mind a break for a little while. That just might help you get the sleep you need, too.
Baby Ashley is about 5.6 inches long and about 6.7 ounces now and he/she keeps on growing rapidly. (That's why you're probably feeling so hungry.) Can you believe he/she's yawning, hiccuping, sucking and swallowing? And he/she's twisting, rolling, punching and kicking, too -- and he/she's big enough that you might be able to feel him/her doing it!


Thursday, April 25, 2013

Little Mama Week #17

I know I am behind with post #16, so I made up for it today. It may be a overload, but I wanted to get them posted before I was behind too much.

I still can't believe it has been 17 weeks!

This weekend Chris and I did a few gender test. Mostly they are old myths, but they were fun to do and think about anyway. So where did I Baby Ashley a boy or girl? I was on the border of both! Just my luck. Nothing could be determined. Guess we will have to wait until next Monday and pray Baby Ashley opens his/her legs for us.

I so believe I have been feeling Baby Ashley move.

Baby Ashley has got some new clothes. They are mostly little boy clothes. So if we have a boy he will have some clothes already, but if Baby Ashley is a girl we will figure out something to do with the boy clothes.

My hands and feet somethings feel tight sometimes. Not sure if it is associated with Baby Ashley or what.

I get cold then hot, cold, hot.

My nose has been stuffy and my hair is really getting longer.

I am so glad Mountain Dew makes caffeine free drinks. I am looking forward to drinking a little regular Mountain Dew next Monday when we go to the doctor.

I think I have finally got my eating normal. I eat at these times during the day: 7:20am, 9:30am, 11:00am, 2:00pm, 4:00pm, 6:00pm and 8:00pm. Sometimes I have a little snack in between those times, just depends on how much I eat for breakfast or lunch. I know one thing is that I can't eat a big lunch or I am miserable all day.

So lets see what says this week.

Try not to get freaked out by the numbers on your scale. At 17 weeks, baby’s working on getting stronger, and your body’s working on getting bigger. That means putting on some pounds and -- we hate to break it to you -- getting some stretch marks. Make sure you document your growing bump by taking lots of photos. Sure, you might not always feel so pretty, but one day you’re going to look back at pregnancy and reminisce (really -- we promise). You’ll also want to start figuring out some plans, like whether or not you’re going to find out baby’s gender (you should be able to soon!), and what kind of childbirth class you’d like to take. As you start making these decisions, the pregnancy will feel even more real, which is probably super exciting, but part of you is probably feeling a little nervous. After all, you’re at week 17; that’s almost halfway there and there’s still a lot left to do. Chill! You’ll get it done. Just remember not to try to do it all yourself -- ask for help!
your baby's the size of an onion!

Baby Ashley continues to beef up. Now he/she's about 5.1 inches long and weighs about 5.9 ounces. He/she is growing a stronger, thicker umbilical cord, and growing some meat on those bones...putting on some fat. His/her rubbery cartilage is now turning to bone.


Little Mama Week #16

Stay on the lookout for some fluttering sensations in your abdomen. It might not be right at 16 weeks, but pretty soon you’ll start feeling baby moving around in there. At first those moves might feel like gas or a muscle twitch, but over time, as baby gets bigger and stronger, they’ll be unmistakable. Of course, feeling those movements comes with other issues, like having your lungs crowded by your growing babe. That could make it seem tough to catch your breath from time to time. Don’t worry: There are some positive symptoms you might be having at week 16. For example, some moms-to-be find their hair and nails grow faster. (Your hair might actually look thicker and more lustrous and your skin might look radiant, too. Woo hoo!) Another cool fact? Baby’s starting to be able to hear your voice -- and she’ll recognize it at birth -- so feel free to chat her up.

your baby's the size of an avocado
Now, Baby Ashley is about 4.6 inches long and weighs about 3.5 ounces, and he/she's big enough that your doctor may be able to hear his/her heartbeat. Baby Ashley is listening to our voices, thanks to tiny bones forming in his/her ears. Growing hair, lashes and eyebrows, and forming taste buds.

I have bought some maternity clothes so far. One pair of pants, one pair of capris and two maternity tops.....all for less than $20! Yes I am cheap!
I believe I have been feeling Baby Ashley move, just not sure of it.

Acne is still present and gets worse then clears up, gets worse, clears up....but it is all worth it!

No stretch marks yet.

Not sure about weight. Will find out when we go the 29th.

I can't wait to see the gender. Shopping will soon start!

I have been wanting seafood especially from Captain D's.Photobucket

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