Who would have thought we are 39 weeks and nothing has changed? Baby Ashley is just happy to be where he is and doesn't seem to want to come and join us right yet. I do try and talk him into coming out. On my birthday I told him that if he came we would give him ice cream and cake! Chris tells him that he can come on out, daddy is home.
Chris and I had our 39 week appointment yesterday. Nothing has changed, so we go back next Thursday (unless he comes before then). She will check fluid level, his weight and lungs. We may even discuss inducing. She first said she was not a fan of if, but I guess at this time, it maybe our only option.
Some of the things I have tried to get labor started are: walking, eating pineapple, spicy food and a warm bath.
People have asked if I am nervous. I do get nervous every once in awhile, but for the most part I am ready to get things going. I have had no big contractions. The ones I think I have had just feel like small menstrual cramps and they last for about 30 minutes give or take.
My belly seems to be more moved to the left than anything. I am also crooked. My stomach is higher on the right side than the left. Our doctor is even amazed at how oddly shaped I am. My friend Kim said that looking at me from the breast up, you would never know I was pregnant. So I am carrying, what weight I have gained all in my belly. Which is good and I hope it is not hard to loose, but I just have to do what is best for baby and myself. I am really not worried about the weight.
On a different note. Not one that I ever imagined I would have to put down. My job will be ending on October 4th. Talk about having to make quick decisions. At a time when we should be calm and enjoying this time in our lives, we have to make a decision that is very important to our family. I wont go into detail, but things are looking good for one job offer. Chris and I have some decisions that need to be made and they are not that easy. We have prayed for the Lord to place us where He wants us. Stepping out on faith is hard, but something we must do. I try not to get depressed and remember that I am right where God wants me to be. He knows what the future holds for us and we need not to worry. But again, we are human and it will happen.
So I ask that you pray for us and our new little family during this time.
The Planners Have Arrived... 2017/2018 Edition
7 years ago
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