We are on baby watch! Any day now.... :)
We are currently 37 weeks and 4 days. It is hard to believe we are this far along. I am getting anxious for everything to get started, so we can meet this little guy and start a whole new journey. We have his room ready and bags packed. I still have a few blankets to wash this week, and that will be it.
The only complaint I have is not being able to get comfortable to sleep. I start out in the bed then end up on the couch. I am so ready to snuggle up with Chris! Another issue I have and most pregnant ladies have it is the swollen feet. They pretty much stay that way. My BP is fine, so the doctor is not worried.
We went two weeks ago for a check up and she wanted to check his position with ultrasound. At first she thought he was transverse, but after the ultrasound he is head down with his bottom on my right side and his feet to the left. The ultrasound tech asked if she could switch over to 4D. I was like heck yes. The better the picture the better I like it. So, she gave us one 4D picture of him. Of course he stuck his hands up to his face when she started the 4D. All our 4D pictures have his hands in front of his face. Just like his daddy....no pictures please!
As I type this he is moving around. I just got done with lunch, so he is happy. I haven't counted moves, but I have made sure that he moves around a lot. On weekends when I am busy, I try and lay down to feel his moves.
We have several family members with birthdays in September. My aunts birthday was last Friday and she kept asking all day if I felt different. Then yesterday would have been my grandfathers birthday and I know my family was praying for him to arrive then. We have three more birthdays this month, so we will see if he makes his appearance on anyone of them.
Bear is giving me the smell down in the mornings. Some things I have read say that animals can sense when labor is about to start and will act differently. This morning he just kept smelling.
Our church gave us a shower this pasted Sunday. We are just so blessed to have them in our lives. They were planning on doing a shower even if we didn't join the church. Baby Ashley got a lot of nice things!
Speaking of joining the church! We joined about two or three weeks ago. We have been visiting for several months now and just felt like this is where we should be. Chris joined by letter and I will have to be baptized at a later time. We had thought I could do it while pregnant, but after watching me try and get up off the couch, Chris thought it would be better to wait...and I agree.
Maybe the next time I blog we will have a little one to share with you.
Oh and a name!
The Planners Have Arrived... 2017/2018 Edition
7 years ago
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