I didn't realize how long it has been since I posted anything. I will try and do better, but then again I do have my little family to take care of.
I am not going to do several post that I missed I will just catch you up in a few random thoughts.
•We went for our 4D Ultrasound Monday. Baby Ashley kept his little hands and umbilical cord in his face for the most part. We did get a good face picture though. The tech. did everything she could to make him move his hands, but he was determined to keep them there. At one point he made the "Looser" symbol with his right hand on his forehead. We all laughed! She made sure he is still a he and trust me he is!
•Sleep is becoming more uncomfortable. I do get up once or twice during the night to potty. I am told it will get worse.
•He is head down and keeps his little feet and bottom in my ribs. I have had a couple of times where his kicks or whatever he is doing, really has hurt.
•We had our first baby shower Saturday in Cullman. We got a lot of clothes, diapers and books. Sunday we tried to get things organized in his room. We did a good job of deciding where things will go.
•All this week I have washed baby clothes. I could have washed them all together, but I rather them get clean and smell good.
•I get tired easier. Feet swell more! Tailbone is still hurting at work.
•We have a daycare!!!!! He will be going to the church we go to. I am so thankful for this opening. We really wanted him in a good christian environment and I believe he will get it there.
•I now have gained 20 pounds! Wow! Ultrasound tech said he should be around 8lbs. I believe my eyes popped out of my head for a few seconds. So if I keep up eating how I am eating I will be in the normal 25-35 pound range.
•I bought a few more maternity items. I hope they will get me through to the end.
•Chris and I went to our last baby class. We also got to tour the Women's and Children's Unit.
•A couple of days ago I just had stressed out moment. I decided to only worry about Chris and I and Baby Ashley. I am tired of making choices that others can make.
•We got our new camera and accessories in. I have played with them some. I am excited to get to take thousands of pictures of Baby Ashley when he comes. So get prepared to see several pictures! I mean, who doesn't want to show off their baby?
•Since we got a lot of books at our Cullman Shower, I have been reading to him every night. In the mornings we read the Bible.
•Bear is still the same. We still go for walks in the mornings. He will some times smell my belly. It's like he knows something is not the same. I gave him a bath a few weekends ago and he did good. Me not so much. Chris will have to bath him from now on. It is just to hard to bend over and bath him. I keep talking about Baby Ashley (but I use his name) when talking to Bear. So he will know the name.
I believe that is it for now. I will try and keep things updated!
The Planners Have Arrived... 2017/2018 Edition
7 years ago
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