So yesterday was a ball of fun.
I left work went to the farmers market close to our house and bought some produce. Go to Guntersville to get Chris' father's day present made and come home.
This is where the fun starts.
I get out to the get mail, push my car door up but not all the way. When I try to get back in, I realized I had locked myself out of the car. The car is running. My purse, phone and everything is on the inside and I can't get the door open :) Just great...I knew this was going to happen...I was just waiting for the day. It would have to happen on the hottest day so far of the year. I think the temp was around 91 or 92 degrees. The humidity was very high also.
So my first thought was not to panic...I will get this door open. I went to the house and found a bungee cord that Chris uses. It didn't work. So I went back to the house and found the grill brush, because it has a hook on the end of it. I could touch the lock, but didn't have enough pressure to lift the lock. At this point I knew I needed help.
I walked across the road to see if our neighbors were luck. Next door to them a young guy was mowing a yard. So I explained to him what I had done and see if he would call the police. Well he called his uncle who is something in the fire department to see if he could help. He gave us the number to the police station. The young guy called and explained everything and they said they would be there shortly. I walked back across the road and stood under a tree to wait, because the police station is only two miles from our house. It would not take them long to get there.
I stood and stood and stood and waited and waited. Finally I walked down to the house and sat on the carport step and used a piece of mail to fan myself with. Let me remind you...IT WAS HOT! So I waited and waited and waited....forever! No cops! I tried to stay calm, but at this point I was hot, feet swelling, needing to pee, feet, back and legs hurting, hungry...just plain miserable!
I was about to walk down the road to another house when I saw the owner drive up the road. So, now he is not home either. There is one more house close by, but I didn't see anyone there. So I walked back to my car. While walking back I noticed a neighbor was home. The one I thought was not at home. So I walked across the road to see if I could use his phone to call the police. He let me use it and needless to say the dispatcher got a piece of my mind. I told him it had been over 30 minutes (which was well under the time frame) since someone had called. He asked people in the background and then told me all the police were out at emergencies. He could tell by my voice that I was not happy. The dispatcher said when they got through with the emergencies they would be there. WHATEVER! We live two miles from the station. I could have walked there and got help faster!
So our neighbor was kind enough to get a clothes hanger and unlock my door.
I got in the house after an hour or more of waiting for the cops. When I got in and got settled, I called them back and told them to not worry about coming that a neighbor had done the job. The guy said, "Ok" and hung up.
So thanks to the Boaz Police Department for all their non help. I think they were actually doing shift changes and didn't want to be bothered. I mean, do you not have any officers just out on patrol? Who is catching the speeders? You can't tell me there were that many emergencies in Boaz for two hours, that needed ALL your policemen.
One reason I love a small town. I could of had this solved in 30 minutes or less. But not in Boaz...they have big emergencies!
The Planners Have Arrived... 2017/2018 Edition
7 years ago
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