Thursday, December 22, 2011

Some catching up...

I need to do some catching up. It hasn't been that long since I posted, but there are a few things that I wanted to post. I have some pictures to go with some of this, but will have to post them later. I am just being lazy, plus most of the pictures are on my phone and it is currently charging.

First we celebrated Chris' 32nd birthday on Saturday, December 18th in Cullman. His mom cooked a delicious meal and made a peanut butter pie and two red velvet cakes. It is a family tradition to get your picture taken with your cake, I will post his picture later. Ashley made him a sweet card and his parents got him an LED Headlamp. The LED Headlamp is really handy at night and when you are working on something in which you need both hands.

Chris and his 32nd Birthday Cake

My play practice for Pride and Prejudice has started....exciting! Tuesday night was the first night of practice and we went through scenes 1&2. I was ready to see how everything would come together. I go tonight, but I am not sure about tomorrow, something that I need to ask about. After the first of the year I will be going more, since I have more parts in the Second Act. We got most of costume measurements taken. That is one thing that I am excited about. Some of the terms they use, I am having to get used to. I had no idea what a block was, but after a couple of minutes I learned what it meant. One of the girls labeled me a freshman! HA! Yep that is me!!!
I just have to get into character. When your nerves are up it is hard to do, so I just need to calm down and get into character. I know I can do this, so I need to let others know that I can.

I am currently at home watching the weather. I love watching it when there are tornadoes. Not that I like the death or distruction they cause, I just like the excitement on tv. There are some tornadoes around the area where my family lives. James Spann is awesome! It is pouring rain here, Bear is in his dog house :)

We had our Christmas party at work. I got a soybean wax candle (Vanilla Pound Cake), it smells so good. I love seeing what others got. I just realized I left my coffee creamer at work :(

We are giving Ashley and William their Christmas gifts tomorrow, since they will not be at MIL & FIL's house Christmas Day. Chris and I got Ashley a Cabbage Patch Kid for Christmas. We renamed her Kensie Kimberl. For whatever reason Ashley likes the name Kensie, so Chris renamed her doll. It was so neat seeing the birth certificate. It has mother and father names plus on the back it has finger and footprints :) So cute! William got Animal and Fozzy from the Muppet Animals. Chris ordered them from the Disney Store. I think the Animal doll is so cute. I would like to have one myself! HA!

I am also loving collecting the My Coke Reward Points. I have received Glamour and Redbook magazines, plus I fridge pack of cokes. They have some good things and some are just not exciting to me.

I know this is random, but that is just what came to mind at the time. HA!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Failure is Not Final

I received this email today and so glad I did. I really needed it after a text conversation.

“...But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead”
(Phillipians 3:13, NIV)

Are you down on yourself today because of past mistakes you’ve made or because you’re not where you want to be in life? God knows every poor choice, every difficulty, every wrong turn you may have made, and He’s already planned your comeback! In scripture, Jonah took a detour, so to speak. It took him a little bit longer, but because he called out to God, because he believed, God not only rescued him, but God got him to his final destination.

Friend, know today that failure is not final. God always has the final say. Mistakes don’t have to keep you from your destiny. God’s plan can override every setback. Your world may be in turmoil today in a relationship, in your finances or health. But know this: not only will God rescue you; He will set your feet on a rock and lead you to your final destination in life. Remember, the promise He placed on the inside of you didn’t go away because you had some personal failures. No, that failure is only temporarym but His Word remains forever! Keep hoping, keep believing because He will move you into the blessing and victory He has prepared for you!


Monday, December 12, 2011

Is Santa True?

I just finished reading a blog where parents decided to tell the truth about Santa to their children, at a young age. Chris and I also have friends that have told the truth to their children about Santa, Tooth Fairy and any other make believe person.

Here are my two cents about this. I have pros and cons, so just stick with me.
1)I feel like the child, who doesn't believe, is going to spoil it for other children. It has always been a norm that Santa was real, so why change it? While all the other children are making Santa list, baking cookies and leaving reindeer food, some children miss out on a fun time.
2)Why take all the fun out of it. Kids get excited to go see Santa and tell him what they want. They have some of the cutest santa letters to you could ever read. They get up early on Christmas Day to see what Santa left, NOT what mom and dad left. Plus you get to bake cookies the night before, what better way to spend Christmas Eve night?
3)Like this is going to be the first time you lie to your child. What are you going to say when they ask where babies come from? Are you going to tell them the full anatomy of man and woman or are you going to lie?
4)Yes you should tell your children about the REAL meaning of Christmas! This is very important and is something that should be read to them at a young age. I believe children should know the story Mary and Joseph. That Jesus is the reason for the season.
5)If you are 13 and you still believe in might need to talk to an adult! Because I believe this is the age or close to it that children should know the truth.

I remember the first Christmas I found out that Santa was not real. I was heart broken! I was at least 12 or 13...When I woke up Christmas Day, I had the same gifts that morning that I had the night before!!! Crap! Until I found out the truth about Santa, I was scared to sleep alone. The song lyric that says..."he knows if your awake" scared the crap out of me. Some man is watching me sleep! So I would always sleep with the covers over my head. Ha!!
But you know what, I have never felt that my parents lied to me or hurt me or anything like that. They were just doing the norm! I am not scarred or disappointed and my life is okay. I have never met a person that is upset at their parents for telling them that Santa was real and then telling them he wasn't.

But each family has their own reasons and I agree with both. I just feel like you are putting your child in a worse place by telling them that Santa is not real (while they are young). I plan on being Santa one day! Getting to bake cookies, stay up late wrapping presents, going to visit Santa and responding to Santa letters!


Thursday, December 8, 2011

Pride and Prejudice #1

Guess who gets to play Mary Bennet in Pride and Prejudice?..............ME!!!

I am really excited, because I have NEVER done anything like this before in my life. I have gotten up in front of people and played charades and once in college did a skit for my sorority, but nothing to this extent.

Lydia, Kitty, Elizabeth, Jane and Mary Bennet.

For a while now I have been looking at a couple of the theatres up here and looking to see what they were putting on. I have always wanted to perform on Broadway in a musical, where I could sing and dance. Well since I can't sing I thought this would be exciting to partake. 

So I found where The Whole Backstage Theatre in Guntersville was having auditions for Pride and Prejudice. After work that Monday I went to the Albertville Library and got a copy of some of the parts that I thought I would like to audition for. Let me remind you, I had never seen the movie nor knew anything about the play or what I was getting into. So, I went home and started researching it on the Internet and reading over the part of Mary Bennet. She had the fewest lines! HA! Tuesday a co-worker brought me the movie to watch. I went straight home and started watching it. After that I knew that I should try out for Mary Bennet for one reason: since this was my first attempt at anything like this, I needed a small role. Wednesday I started trying to remember my lines and I watched the movie again. Thursday was the first day of auditions. Boy was I nervous! My heart was beating so fast, I know the director had to of known I was nervous. I read through my lines twice and learned I had to speak with a British accent. Oh boy!!! What have I gotten into? Friday was a long night. I got there at 6:00 and left a little before 9:00 p.m. I didn't read my lines but I stood in for a couple of other parts. Saturday morning was the last of the auditions at 10:00. I read my lines once and left at 10:45. 

It was a waiting game to see if I had made it. The director emailed a list of the cast on Monday and glory to God, I made it!!!! I checked every Facebook and Twitter page I could find to see the cast list.
Mary Bennet

Now the fun begins! (At least that is what others tell me). I am excited and nervous at the same time. I am so excited to see how this all comes together. I am a planner and need to know NOW how this is going to work. Something I need to just sit back and wait for. We have a read-thru on December 17th at 10:00 and start rehearsals on December 20th (Chris' birthday). The play opens February 10th!

I am excited to see what I get to wear!

There is some amazing talent in this play! Some of the cast just amaze me how they can jump into character so fast. I guess it is because they have been doing this for many years now.

Again, I want to thank God for giving me this opportunity in life!


Monday, November 28, 2011

Random Thoughts

You know, I have these random thoughts and just would like to right them down for later references.
•I am getting tired of Facebook for a couple of reasons:
       Why do people think that others care that you are at your home with their husband/wife. I am glad that you are there and that you are safe, but come on....get a life! I don't care if you are at Taco Bell with your best friend, I am just glad you can afford to eat out.
   2. People air their dirty laundry on there. All I can say about that is GROW UP!
   3. Why do people take 90 pictures of themselves? One every couple of months will do the trick. Unless you get plastic surgery...Then we really need to see the results.
•Why do people run and get bread and milk when all you are getting is a light dusting of snow?

•Christmas is so much more enjoyable this year!
•My high school played their last football game 11/25/11. The schools will combine next year.
•I am getting somewhat used to Chris being gone during the week.
•Bear got his collar stuck around his right front leg Saturday. It took Chris and I both to get it off.
•My friends want me to bring Wilson up to live with us now that Chris is gone during the week. It would be fun and I do miss him.
•Alabama won the Iron Bowl. To me it was an okay game. I like close, exciting games.
•I need to get a doctor up here. I haven't been in a hurry to do it. I have just been using doctors and doc in the box places.
•I just saw a car stuck under an 18 wheeler. Scary! Hope they are okay.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

William's Dedication

Sunday, November 13th was William's baby dedication at their church (Capshaw Baptist Church). Chris and I drove up to Huntsville Sunday morning and attended the service along with Danny, Joyce, Granny, Sterlings mom, Jessica and Chris. Chris video taped it for Miranda and Sterling.
There were several other children being dedicated at the same time.
The photo below is not the best. Not sure why....I would think it is because I have no idea how to figure out all the settings. Plus they had the lights I really don't know.

Miranda, Ashley, Sterling and William
Here is nice picture of Chris and Ashley sitting on the staircase. We had to wait in the lobby of the church, due to an earlier church service taking place.


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

What have we been up to?

Really not much. But here is a list.
•Chris started a new job :)
•Ace moved :(
•Bear turned 5. You can read more about it Here.
•Work is crazy
•Started my Christmas list
•House is still for sale
•Spent almost $500 on my car
•Learned someone was turning on our gas grill outside....dangerous!
•Trying to keep my mums alive
•Still digging up mushrooms
•Alabama lost to LSU :(
•Getting ready to see who wins the NASCAR Championship
•Put out some of my Fall decor
•Dressed up for Halloween - Black Cat


Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Birthday Bear!

Since we don't have children yet. I have to spoil and talk about our dog, Bear. Saturday was Bear's 5th birthday. I know it is crazy to keep up with that stuff, but he is our child for now.
Saturday, I gave Bear a bath and let him come in the house and stay for a while. He is starting to not like staying in long. He gets really restless and gives you puppy dog eyes to go back outside. Poor Chris took a beating laying in the floor with him.
Here are a couple of pictures of Bear over the last 5 years. Some of them you may have seen before, so just stick with me.

This was taken this weekend on his birthday!

He was barking at the garbage can.

He loves chewing on sticks.

Such a cute puppy!


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Marshall County Christmas Coalition

This year my place of employment is raising money for the Marshall County Christmas Coalition. They asked if I would like to do the shopping. OF COURSE!! So when we get our names and list I will be doing some great shopping. A couple of individuals have offered their help, in which I will probably ask for along the way
This is such a great cause. I have done Angel Trees before and I got so much more out of buying for someone else that worrying about what I want for Christmas. Especially since most of it is buying for children. You can also buy for parents or guardians.You can find out more about Christmas Coalition here.


Monday, October 24, 2011

Talladega Race

Friday evening I went down to Talladega Super Speedway and spent a couple of hours with some family and friends. They have season passes at their camping spots, so they try and go when they can. They also have some friends from Canada that they meet and go to the race with. I enjoy going and just hanging out more than the race itself. After we ate we rode around the camp site for a little bit, it is nothing like it used to be. It used to be loud screaming and just crazy, now there is less racket. There were not a lot of people out, not sure but I believe the freezing weather had something to do with it. Here is a blurry picture of their camp fire.

Here is a picture I took going down of the sunset over the Coosa River.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Not much happening

Things have been slow around our house this last week. Not much going on.
Chris' parents came down Saturday to bring some tools and to look at our porches. We have in mind to remove our current porches and rebuild them. They are not in good shape anymore and really need to be replaced. It also might help the house to sell. We just need to find the time to do it. With the weather getting cooler we might have to wait until Spring to start.
I have been digging up more of those crazy and stinky mushrooms. Yesterday I dug up about 10 after getting home and about hurling.
We had a baby shower at work for a lady. It was held at Jefferson's in Albertville. We played two games: baby charades and then had to guess how big mom to be was. Needless to say I won both!!! I love charades so it was easy when I had to act out like I was giving birth. My friend Kim was the doctor and I was laying on the table with my feet in the air. We didn't have to act long as everyone was laughing so hard. We both got the prize for that game. I believe that if you are going to make a fool of yourself you might as well go big!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

What I feel....

“There comes a time when you have to stand up and shout:
This is me d*** it! I look the way I look, think the way I think, feel the way I feel, love the way I love! I am a whole complex package. Take me... or leave me. Accept me - or walk away! Do not try to make me feel like less of a person, just because I don't fit your idea of who I should be and don't try to change me to fit your mold. If I need to change, I alone will make that decision.
When you are strong enough to love yourself 100%, good and bad - you will be amazed at the opportunities that life presents you.”
--Stacey Charter

I really don't want to get into the whole ordeal, but I will say a little.

Lately (past year) I have been an emotional roller coaster. Up, down, around, up, down and around. It is all emotional and no I am NOT Bipolar. To be honest I don't like it. I don't like roller coasters anyway, so go figure. I don't like being all happy for awhile and then something happen and I am down for a few days. It is crappy! I am a happy, free will, go with the flow type of person. I would say very laid back. It has fit me for the past 30 years and I don't see why it should change.
I love the quote above and have always been the type of person to say..."if you don't like me, sorry...this is who God made me." I don't try to please anyone but God, and that is a daily struggle.

The last part of the quote...."When you are strong...." really doesn't concern me. I love myself and have accepted that this is who I am. The part of the quote that concerns me is the top part of it.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Ace is our neighbors cat. I think, he isn't ours so we really don't know who he belongs to, but anyway he stays around our house some.

When I go out to water our Mums he stays with me. He follows me as I water them. When I go inside to get more water he will sit at the front door and meow. I really miss having a cat, but not the allergies they cause.

Chris said it would be nice to have a cat around the house, to keep mice out. As long as it would stay off the cars. Guess what I found this prints on the car!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Stinkhorn Mushrooms

Well our snake eggs are not snake eggs. They are Stinkhorn mushrooms. I wrote about them here.

Friday evening when I got home I saw this weird thing sticking out of the mulch bed, so in my curious nature, I go over to check it out. I get a stick and start poking around and it moves!! So I  freak out and call my mom, because Chris is at work at this time. I go and get a hoe and start moving these white things, stilling thinking they are snake eggs. I found 22. At this point I was saying, "Oh my gosh mom there are 22 of them." She tells me to get in the house and call Chris and let him know. Now I am worried we have an infestation of snakes.
I told her that I was going to check these things out online and see what snake eggs really look like. I get online and start looking, they look nothing like snake eggs. So I start reading some forums and people were saying they had the same things in their yards and they were calling them Stinkhorn Mushrooms. They have an awful smell! According to what I read, the black part contains spores and that is what causes the horrible smell. Flies can carry the spores and multiply the mushrooms. That is just great!
I sent Chris a message and told him what I found. We looked up how to remove them and are in the process of getting rid of them. We plan on removing the mulch and replacing it with pea gravel.

Sunday morning I looked out to see about them and there were four more. Three were coming out of the mulch and one was coming out of its shell. So I get a shovel and fill a Walmart bag full of them.

Here is a picture of what they look like once they have come out of their shells.


Monday, October 3, 2011

He Loves The Sun

Bear loves to sleep in the sun. The last couple of days have been around 70 degrees outside and he loves it.
I sent this picture to Chris while he was at work. Of course Bear has to have his rope close by. If you can't see it, it is at his back end.

One more picture I want to share is a picture of a snake's egg. Most of them had string like things attached to them. Not sure what they are???? We had a rat snake to lay 12 or so eggs in our front mulch bed. Chris killed the snake a few days before we found them.


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Bear's Block

Here are some random things about Bear recently.
•He got to ride in my car.
  -We had someone to look at the house, so Bear had to be gone. We were gone for two hours!!!
•We took a trip to Petco in Gadsden and got a new rope.
  -The guy that checked us out tried to give him a treat, but he was not having any part of it. We got to
  bring it with us and he ate it in the car. It really is embarrassing when Bear has to poop at Petco. He gets
  right in the middle of the bushes and does it. EVERYBODY LOOKS!!! There was also a guy in the
  store that had an artificial leg...Bear was so curious about it. I politely moved him away.
•Ripped his tarp - AGAIN!
•He has kept critters, other dogs & cats away
 I saw this as I was leaving to go to work this morning. Not sure if Bear saw it or not. The cats stay
 around the front of the house because we have chipmunks. Trust me if they were in the back yard Bear
 would let us know.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

My Birthday :)

Saturday, the 17th was my birthday! I woke up early because my mom usually calls or text me around the time I was born (7:40 a.m.). Plus Chris got home around 6:00. So, my dad came up and spent the day with Chris and I. He gave me a music box that plays "You Are So Beautiful".

We did nothing, just stayed around the house and ate at Arby's!
Here are my cards. They were all special and I loved reading each one.

The Friday before, Kim, Sherrie and I went and had a pedicure. We have a cosmetology school in Albertville and they had 50% off nail services, so all it cost was $7.50. Plus we sat in massage chairs. It was the best one I have ever had and we all had a real good time. We had many laughs! I am very ticklish on my feet, so I tell the girl doing them to be extra careful. She was great! Sherrie and I got Alabama art work and Kim got a polish. 

I got sick (because I didn't eat lunch) and if it wasn't for Kim and Sherrie I would have been in trouble! The girls at the place did a great job keeping me cool and had candy for me. I HAVE to eat lunch!!!


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

31 Thankfuls

Since I am turning 31 Saturday I thought I would list the top 31 things that I am thankful for in my life. I am a little sadden, because I figured my life would be a little bit different by now (babies). But I have to keep reminding myself (and I do a lot) that I am on Gods time NOT mine! are the top 31 things that I am thankful for.
1. God
2. My husband Chris
3. Family - I could really talk about them forever.
4. Friends - Kim P., Sherrie, Amy, Kim M.
5. My pets - Bear & Wilson
6. DVR
7. Having food on our table each night.
8. My health - Even though there is ONE health issue I would like to fix.
9. Having long and thick eyelashes
10. Have a small foot (size 5) - Shoes are cheaper!
11. Having a car that is paid for
12. Being able to read the Bible with freedom
13. Living close to Walmart and good restaurants
14. Having a nice home
15. My orthodontist- He helped me fix a lifelong insecurity.
16. Lip Gloss - Use it everyday
17. Alabama football
18. Job
19. Good co-workers
20. Being short
21. College degree - Even though I don't use it
22. Donuts - Mostly choc. cream filled
23. Watermelon
24. I enjoy life and don't take things so seriously
25. A short drive to work
26. Cell phone-Since it has Internet on it
27. Bible
28. Police, firemen and the military
29. Crushed Ice - I love it
30. Redbox - I love the free codes!!!
31. Good Facebook friends

These are in no order. I just placed them randomly.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Bear's Block - Lawn Mowers & Cats

Would you believe that Bear hates it when the young man comes and mows the yard next door? Well believe it!!! He does his usual barking and running around.
This morning was a little see Bear also has concerns about cats. There is a cat that lives two houses past us and he loves to taunt Bear when ever he sees him. So, this morning the cat decides to lay down in his yard and stare towards Bear. Bear is a little uneasy (guy mowing & cat) and is barking, running around his pen and jumping on his fence. I think I told him to quite down several times and that did no good. So I was praying..Dear Lord please don't let him wake Chris up...well that didn't happen and Chris woke up. Needless to say Chris wasn't happy...and I don't blame him! After a few more minutes of barking and just looking up at the house Bear finally calmed down. I think the cat left and they guy on the mower was out of Bear's site. Thank Goodness!


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Bear's Block

From time to time I have a funny or not so funny story about Bear. So I thought I would start sharing them with you. I told a little bit about him in the post HERE.

Okay here goes....When I walk Bear I take food, leash and treats. He gets real excited and starts running and jumping, so Chris decided a while back to give him a treat when you go into his pen. That way he will settle down some. So this morning I have all three ready. I had the leash around my left wrist and his food under my left arm. I go into his pen and he sits down in front of me to get his treat. In all his excitement he turns and gets his head caught in the leash....takes off and I dropped all of his food on the ground. Uggghhhh.....

So I stood there for a few seconds deciding what to do. I could have got mad and said a bad word, but I kept my cool. God is watching!!! I bent down and started picking it up and putting it back in his bowl. Thank God that most of it landed all together. While I was picking it up (dirt and all) Bear comes over and starts eating out of the bowl. I was like, you could help me out by eating it off the ground! Needless to say he sensed I was in distress and started eating it off the ground. We got it cleaned up and off we went on our daily walk.

One last little story that happened this week. We had a Tropical Storm to come through the early part of this week. Tuesday morning it was still raining while we were walking. (Remember we walk rain, sleet, snow or hail). Bear loves to stop and sit down for a little bit while he is being walked. Of all mornings he wants to stop and sit, it has to be pouring down rain. I kinda made the motion for us to keep moving. I told him I would get him out for a bit when it wasn't raining. Poor thing, just wanted to sit!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Doctor Visit and Such

Yesterday I had a doctors visit in Gadsden, so I thought I could knock out two birds with one stone. It was a visit that all women hate and I am going to leave it at that!
After the doctor visit I had to run by my orthodontist office to get a retainer ordered. This is where I get frustrated! I pull up and there is only one vehicle, so I am thinking that maybe they are still at lunch (it is 2:20 at this point). So I get my pink umbrella and go to make sure (it is raining and the wind is blowing). Plus my pants are getting wet, because I am vertically challenged! I get to the door and it is LOCKED! I notice the sign that says lunch 12:00-1:30, so I know they have to be back from lunch. I go back to my car and look up the number on my cell phone (thanks to the Internet). I get the number and call. Guess What?....They answered. So I asked the lady what time they get back from lunch and she says 1:30, so I politely thanked her and hung up. I waited a few more minutes to see if someone else showed up. No one did so I got out and went to check the door again. I don't know if the lady heard me complaining or me banging on the door, but she got the message! She apologized saying that she keeps the door locked because she is there by herself...what the heck does that mean! If you are going to keep the door locked, then why are you open!!!!! I got my retainer ordered and went to leave and the wind blew my umbrella backwards. So now I am standing in the rain, wind blowing, trying to get my umbrella fixed. Finally got it fixed and got in the car. I am wet, ill and look like I have been through a car wash.

After a few more stops I get back on 431 and start home. I get in the right lane, because that is where slower traffic is SUPPOSED to get. But NOOOOO....not today....everybody in the left lane was slow and the right lane was fast. I thought okay God....What Is Wrong With This Picture?

Just glad I got home safe. Maybe a little frustrated but safe!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Our Lives Lately

Chris and I really have not been up to much lately.
I would like to congratulate Chris and getting a new job! He is working in Fort Payne and driving back and forth. The drive is around 45 minutes one way,  I am sure it is not the best. There are crazy drivers out there, plus he has to go through Crossville and Kilpatrick. I pray everyday that the Lord will protect him while driving. We are adjusting to his schedule and trying to spend as much time together as we can. On most days I only see him for about 30 minutes.

About me: I am on a mission to read the entire Bible. I have thought about blogging about my experience, but I really am not sure. I am sure that people will think I am crazy or don't really understand what I read, but I would like to start blogging about it. We will see! I am still working at the newspaper. Once a month I have been helping a gentleman get a small newspaper going. It mainly has stuff about the community in it.

Bear: He has been having a problem with ants getting in his food. Twice a day I am having to change his food because of those pest! This weekend I took him some food and before I left his pen he had ate that and needed more, so Chris went and got some for me and he ate that! So we added more. Other than the ants he is about the same. Still hating squirrels and birds!

Chris and I have been having ant problems in our kitchen and bathroom. I think they are sugar (piss) ants! We have tried two different types of poison and it does not seem to be working. They are also getting in our dishwasher, so I have been washing everything and putting it up. Since we have the house up for sale we are supposed to have a bug inspection, but they have not come yet.

This Labor Day, Chris and I went to his parents house. DFIL is out of town so it was just Joyce, Chris, Me, Miranda, Sterling, Ashley and William. We had steaks, baked potato and peanut butter pie...YUM!

We also have a new addition to our family. Tiffany (Tyler's friend) had Kaleb Avery on August 30, 2011. I will post a picture as soon as I get one. He weighed 8/13 and was 21.5 inches. So blessed to have another addition to our family.


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Bear & Wilson

I don't think I have blogged about Bear & Wilson. Bear is our big man and Wilson is my little man. I will post a little bit about both.


Chris and I got Bear in December of 2006 at Pet-co. We initially went to get some stuff for a fish tank that Chris had. On our way out of the store there was a shopping cart with a bunch of puppies in it. They were cute, so we stopped and looked. We had been talking about getting a puppy, but was not real sure. After a few minutes of looking we picked this fur ball out and named him Bear. He lived with me before Chris and I got married. 
Every weekend Bear and I would travel to Rainbow City to spend time with Chris. Since we have been married we have had some interesting adventures with Bear. They mostly are about him killing opossums/raccoons and him getting out of his pen. Since we live in a town with a leash law, Bear lives in a 20x20 kennel. He has a tarp that covers half of it so he will stay dry and out of the heat. We have gone through so many tarps, because he rips them up, that I can't even count them. Chris and I say that is his way of letting us know that we need to come out and check on him. 
Here are some facts about him:
*Every morning I walk him (rain, sleet, snow or hail). 
*He hates squirrels, birds or any other animal/person that is not supposed to be in the yard
*Loves drinking out of a cup
*Loves his rope (hates it when I have to wash it)
*Loves to chase bumble bees in the summer
*Likes going to Pet-Co (you have to let him do his business before we go in, or he will do it in the store)
*Likes coming in the house and staying for awhile.

I have had Wilson since he was 6 weeks old. I tried to train him to stay in a small kennel, but that didn't work out at all. So he started sleeping in my bed, under the covers. I house trained him very easy. I felt like a real mother getting up 3 or 4 times a night to take him out. I bought him a rain coat, because I got tired of him being wet and coming back to bed! I would carry him everywhere (except work) that I went. We take him camping and to the park. I even rode him on my wave runner, but he didn't like the wind. He loves going for walks while we are camping, but HATES people on bikes. He is very protective of my mother and I, and is know to bite. Just like most dogs, he doesn't like going to the vet. I once dropped him and put him into shock coming out of the doctors office. Scared me to death!
When Chris and I started dating, he didn't like Chris but has come around to like him. He still barks at him.
Here are a few things about my little man Wilson.
*Loves to sit in your lap and will bite someone if they try and pick him up
*Loves to sleep all day (I trained him well)
*Barks at everything
*Loves riding
*Is interested in everything
*Hates it when you make clicking sounds with your fingernails
*Loves to sit in your lap while you eat (Got that from me)
*Hates bees
*Had his picture taken with Santa Claus

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