I just finished reading a blog where parents decided to tell the truth about Santa to their children, at a young age. Chris and I also have friends that have told the truth to their children about Santa, Tooth Fairy and any other make believe person.
Here are my two cents about this. I have pros and cons, so just stick with me.
1)I feel like the child, who doesn't believe, is going to spoil it for other children. It has always been a norm that Santa was real, so why change it? While all the other children are making Santa list, baking cookies and leaving reindeer food, some children miss out on a fun time.
2)Why take all the fun out of it. Kids get excited to go see Santa and tell him what they want. They have some of the cutest santa letters to you could ever read. They get up early on Christmas Day to see what Santa left, NOT what mom and dad left. Plus you get to bake cookies the night before, what better way to spend Christmas Eve night?
3)Like this is going to be the first time you lie to your child. What are you going to say when they ask where babies come from? Are you going to tell them the full anatomy of man and woman or are you going to lie?
4)Yes you should tell your children about the REAL meaning of Christmas! This is very important and is something that should be read to them at a young age. I believe children should know the story Mary and Joseph. That Jesus is the reason for the season.
5)If you are 13 and you still believe in Santa....you might need to talk to an adult! Because I believe this is the age or close to it that children should know the truth.
I remember the first Christmas I found out that Santa was not real. I was heart broken! I was at least 12 or 13...When I woke up Christmas Day, I had the same gifts that morning that I had the night before!!! Crap! Until I found out the truth about Santa, I was scared to sleep alone. The song lyric that says..."he knows if your awake" scared the crap out of me. Some man is watching me sleep! So I would always sleep with the covers over my head. Ha!!
But you know what, I have never felt that my parents lied to me or hurt me or anything like that. They were just doing the norm! I am not scarred or disappointed and my life is okay. I have never met a person that is upset at their parents for telling them that Santa was real and then telling them he wasn't.
But each family has their own reasons and I agree with both. I just feel like you are putting your child in a worse place by telling them that Santa is not real (while they are young). I plan on being Santa one day! Getting to bake cookies, stay up late wrapping presents, going to visit Santa and responding to Santa letters!
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