Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Bear's Block

Here are some random things about Bear recently.
•He got to ride in my car.
  -We had someone to look at the house, so Bear had to be gone. We were gone for two hours!!!
•We took a trip to Petco in Gadsden and got a new rope.
  -The guy that checked us out tried to give him a treat, but he was not having any part of it. We got to
  bring it with us and he ate it in the car. It really is embarrassing when Bear has to poop at Petco. He gets
  right in the middle of the bushes and does it. EVERYBODY LOOKS!!! There was also a guy in the
  store that had an artificial leg...Bear was so curious about it. I politely moved him away.
•Ripped his tarp - AGAIN!
•He has kept critters, other dogs & cats away
 I saw this as I was leaving to go to work this morning. Not sure if Bear saw it or not. The cats stay
 around the front of the house because we have chipmunks. Trust me if they were in the back yard Bear
 would let us know.



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