So Chris ordered our new appliances on February 2nd and we still have no stove! Talk about frustration...I want to cook!
The dishwasher and stove were delivered this past Saturday (2/23). Our parents came up to help with plumbing and some wood work that needed to be done for the appliances. The dishwasher was fine, the stove had a huge dent in the back. I am not talking a baseball size dent, I am talking bigger than a basketball size dent. Since we paid for a perfect stove, we had them send it back and order a new one. The delivery guy was not happy about having to take it back, but after a few minutes of frustration he loaded it back up. People have said that the dent would be okay, but we are not 100% sure. I don't want to get it hooked up and something happen, then we have to pay for them to come fix it or anything like that. It is just better to order a new one.
I was so excited to finally be able to cook a meal and Chris was wanting some homemade biscuits for breakfast the next morning. Guess it will have to wait a couple more days.
They got a new one ordered and since they had changed item numbers our new stove is about $150 cheaper than the first one. At first we thought they had ordered the wrong stove, but after checking numbers and description, it is the same one.
The guy said it would be March 11th before it arrived...geeeeezzzzz! We are just praying that it comes in sooner. I am tired of microwave meals!
I do have an electric skillet and toaster oven, but I just want a stove! So we have not starved, but cooking is a little harder and longer.
The Planners Have Arrived... 2017/2018 Edition
7 years ago
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