If you have brothers or sisters, you probably will not understand my points on this.
I was BLESSED to be an only child. I say that because that is all I have known for 32 years. Yes I do have a half sister (same dad), but I only met her when I was around 12 or 13 (I think). She is about 11 years older than I and was always away at college. Then she got married and moved a lot with the military. She is a loving mother, wife, daughter and sister.
I do have cousins which I am close to and they have seemed like brothers and sisters to me. The kind that you can send home at the end of the day! We grew up doing just about everything together, so they seemed more like siblings than anything. I have tons of stories about our youth and even now that we have gotten older, that I could share.
I have never really wanted a brother or sister. I guess my cousins filled that void for me. Plus my best friend, Amy helped with the sister part.
Some of the pros of not having a sibling (my opinion):
•Not having to share things
•Having my own stuff (bedroom, bathroom)
•Getting more attention from my parents
Some of the cons of not having a sibling (my opinion):
•Not having a special person in your life that you call a brother or sister
•Not learning to share too good :(
•Not having that person that you can call and talk about mom and dad to.
•Having a sibling stand up for you.
But by being an only child, I have gotten to do things that I probably would not have done if I had a sibling. I probably would have had to get a real job in college to pay for my car. (My parents paid for it while I was at JSU). I never would have been able to have all the clothes that I did. Go on that skiing trip to Colorado. Spend weeks during the summer with my cousins who lived out of town. Had that one-on-one fishing time with my dad.
So, you see, not having a sibling is not bad, it is just all I have known. I can not imagine what it would have been like if I did. Do you call me spoiled....that is up to you. If I am spoiled, which I believe I am (not going to lie), you can blame that on my grandfather. He ALWAYS made sure I had what I wanted. Love that man!
When we have children, do I want one or two...I say I want what ever the Lord has in His will for us to have. If it is one...then great. We can spoil it. If it is more....then great. I will be on meds! Just kidding.
The Planners Have Arrived... 2017/2018 Edition
7 years ago
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