I went to the doctor yesterday and everything is good. I have to keep taking my vitamins and get one that has a little more folic acid. The one I am currently taking has 400 mcg of it and I need 800 mcg. So I can either get a prescription (which cost less), buy a single bottle of folic acid, or buy the Women's One A Day Prenatal (which is around $14). So I may just use up what I have and then check on getting a prescription for it.
Some of this may be TMI, but I wanted to write about it so I will not forget it in years to come.
She told me to give my body one or two periods, to make sure things are going great in that department.
When I do have a positive pregnancy test. She wants me to call and come in for blood work and the typical pregnancy confirmation stuff. If I have a positive result she will start me on some medicine. I am not sure what it is or will be, but I assume it is something to keep things going good. She also wants to take blood work for a couple of days to make sure my hormone levels are going up and not down (miscarriage).
So, it was basically a good visit. I kinda figured she would tell me all this anyway.
Other news:
We finally got our rock bed finished. It looks so good. I do have two pictures to post, but those will have to wait until I get them off my phone.
We have been needing a new ADS sign. So I contacted them and they actually sent us two! They are very nice and fast people.
Our parents and Chris' sister (and family) came on up on the 10th. Chris grilled steak and we had potato salad and black eye peas. We all had a good time, except for Alabama losing against Texas A&M.
I am so ready to start putting our Christmas stuff out, but we need to celebrate Thanksgiving first. We like to start putting stuff out the weekend after Thanksgiving. Since our rock bed is done, we may put our lighted, spiral Christmas trees out. I do want to change our lights in our windows. I have been using a single candle in each window, but Chris likes the tier ones. So, I may be changing those...not sure.
I am also doing the Marshall County Christmas Coalition buying again this year. It is such a blessing to be able to go and buy for others.
The Planners Have Arrived... 2017/2018 Edition
7 years ago
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