• I love Staples! Don't know why other than it makes me feel professional. I can go into that store and look for hours. If you get tired, you can sit on one of their many chairs in the back!
•Finally got my 4th of July garden flag out. For the past 3 years I have forgotten about it until after the holiday has passed. I found some cute things on Pinterest the other day that I want to try out for next year.
•The weather has been HOT this past week. Temps have been above 100 degrees with no rain. I believe this week it is going to be in the upper 90s. So not much of a change, but still it is not above 100. Thank goodness I work inside. Plus I am tired of seeing everyone take pictures of their car temps and posting them on Facebook.
•I have been looking for a new bathing suit. One that is a little more age appropriate for me. I mean, I don't want a one piece, but something a little more appropriate.
•I believe Chris has fixed my car. For the past two months it has made this awful noise when the A/C was on. Plus the power steering was messing up.
•Bear has been uncomfortable in this heat. I have given him water twice a day. Plus he has started being my alarm clock around 7:00 every morning. I believe with the heat, he has not taken a good day time nap. So at night he is sleeping good.
•I have started reading the book, "50 Shades of Grey". I have heard a few stories about the content being bad....so we will see. I didn't know it was a trilogy until I found it on Amazon.
•So thankful to have dental insurance! I want to keep my teeth for as long as I can. Dentures just seem to creep me out.
The Planners Have Arrived... 2017/2018 Edition
7 years ago
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