Since they have started removing my old high school today. I thought I would list some of my memories. To be fair I am not going to list my high school boyfriend by his name just going to put "Hangman". These are in no order.
1.Trying to make sure I was not tardy for class. I spent the whole summer before 7th grade rehearsing unlocking my locker and getting my books out. DORK!!!
2.Eating Sugar Cookies that Hangman brought me a break time. They were warm and just fell apart when I would try and eat them. We always stood outside with several other friends during this time.
3.Friends: Amy, Kim, Pam, Hangman, Chris, Robert.
4. Yes we made fun of the smart people! We would scream Dork Alert when they would walk in a room.
5. Drivers Ed Fred. KILL, KILL, KILL!!!
6.Trying out for danceline and making it. Two years in a row. I wish I would have tried out my senior year, but I thought getting a job was more important.
7.Mr. Calabro (sp??). He was a fun principal. We had a club called "Explorers Club" and we would go camping. Hangman was the president. We went to Cheaha State Park and Gatlinburg. The camping trip to Cheaha was a true adventure. My friends Amy and Kim and I stayed in a tent and of course we had no idea how to put a tent up, so Hangman and Chris had to do it for us. Kim and I froze that night, due to Amy stealing all of our covers. No we didn't have sleeping bags.
The trip to Gatlinburg was fun from the start. It was pouring down rain when we got there and I had a brown paper sack full of food from Piggly Wiggly. Well it got wet and food was everywhere on the street.
8.Being an aide for Mr. Mitchell.
9.Getting sick while taking my math final exam.
10.Going to both proms with Hangman. My senior year I wanted one rose. He got me half a dozen!
11.My worst memory was my mom volunteered me to go to the prom with a other guy at another school. I was in the 8th grade and he was a senior. Ohhhh, I hated that night! We went to Hardee's after the prom.
12. Mr. Hattaway standing on his desk making a weird noise that everyone could hear in the junior high wing.
13. Mr. Tucker's class was the easiest. I don't know who said this in his class but someone said, "Goat cheese is good".
14.Dissecting a frog in Biology and finding a beetle in its intestines.
15.Skip days! I only went on one and it was a disaster.
16.Traveling with the band during championship games.
17.Trying to learn to sew and cook.
18. Going out to eat after our senior prom and my cousin Adam telling the waitress that he was racist because he wanted white ranch on his salad. She was confused!
19.Getting in an argument with Pam and crying at lunch.
20.Getting in an argument with Daphne and called her "Daffy Duck"
21.Rolling yards with Kim. We rolled our coaches yard every Friday night.
22.The cheer, "I bought me a rooster..."
23.Mrs. Thompson and her point that "The wheels have fell off the wagon..."
24.Getting to see my grandmother everyday at lunch.
25.Sitting in Hangman's truck before school. Even though we were not supposed to, teachers let us.
26. Hangman bringing his stepdads old truck to school. It was not even street legal.
27.Carrying a rocking chair to the band room on a truck with no breaks.
28.Singing our Alma Mater after each pep rally.
29.Doing nothing in PE
30.Trying out for cheerleader. That was a bad mistake.
31.Forgetting my shoes one day for band practice. Marching in rocks is not fun!
32.Eating lunch outside on the tables.
33.Pam coming to my house on Fridays to get ready for the ballgames.
34.Having a boyfriend (Hangman). All of our fun times together.
35.My dad coming to the school with a walking cane. I was so embarrassed.
36.Coming to school after seeing a man die the night before.
37.Getting all the books that Hangman had the year before me.
38.Getting voted Class Cutie and my picture looking horrible.
39.On Friday nights my friends and I would hang out at Hardees. One side was for the country folks the other was for the non country folks!
40.My friend Amy having a CB in her car and between her and Hangman and Robert we all could talk away from school. This was before we had cell phones.
I am sure there are more and I will try an add to this list as I can.
The Planners Have Arrived... 2017/2018 Edition
7 years ago
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