Just need to ramble a little, so some of this may not make sense.
•The high school I attended during my younger days is closing and being torn down. They have combined two schools (Clay County and Lineville High) and now we only have one big school (Central High School of Clay County) for the county. I am glad I don't live there now because there is so much drama about the cheerleaders and the school being torn down.
There is a big racial thing going on because there are no African American cheerleaders on the varsity squad. I believe (like a lot of people do) that the positions should be earned not given simply because of race. There is an exception in the rules for males. I think males (black or white) need to be on cheer squads for stunts. Just ask a cheer coach.
Another thing I hear people talking about is the fact the school is being torn down, or at least some of it is. I do hate to see it being torn down and something else put in its place. I have many good memories there and will carry them with me. Yes, they could make it a historical site like they have other schools in the county. The building is old with mold, mildew and asbestos in it. It would take more $ and time to clean it and get it up to code. I mean do you really think the school will last forever? Cherish the memories you have of the old school and be proud for the ones who get a nice, new, clean school to make memories in. It is time for a change and people hate change!
•It's summer time! I love the summer months - watermelon, grilling, swimming, being outside. I would love to go to the beach and just relax. I wonder if Bear would like the beach? Maybe we should just start with camping and see if he likes that. Speaking of watermelon. I have one at home that I can't wait to eat. Five o'clock needs to hurry up!
•Speaking of Bear. He has not killed any critters lately. He mostly sleeps and keeps the squirrels out of the yard. His poor tarp is in need of replacement. We brought him in the house a couple of days ago and gave him a much needed bath. He just was not in his normal place, so he was restless.
•Did you know they make duct tape that is about a foot wide? I didn't!
•Facebook is getting old to me. Every time I check it, it is the same stuff that I complain about. Who went where, where they are, what music they are listening to, quotes they like, what they are having for supper or what they did have for supper. I mean geeezzzz....do you not have a life other than Facebook? Is your life that boring that you would think we care what you had for supper? Put stuff on there that is important - kids pictures, updates on your family, jokes.
•I love My Coke Reward points. Getting magazines in the mail makes me feel important. HA!
•Redbox is awesome with their free codes once a month. I just watched The Vow.
•For some strange reason I am curious about the Hatfield and McCoy families. There has been a special on tv the last couple of nights about them. It is a three part special.
•I have started reading The Hunger Game books. The first one is titled, The Hunger Games; second is Catching Fire and last book is Mockingjay. Never would I have thought I would enjoy them, but I have.
I am sure I could ramble some more but my mind is only thinking about the watermelon that is at home
The Planners Have Arrived... 2017/2018 Edition
7 years ago
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