If you want to know what is wrong with children and young adults today...just look at how they are/were raised. After this weekend, I am in shock! I guess I should not be, but I am. When I say young adults I mean teenagers.
To me as an adult, there are certain things you need to keep quite about while in front of them (children/young adults). Two things I heard this weekend being talked about.
•Sex Life
•Being Drunk
Sex Life: I mean really, who cares about yours! If it is that important to talk about, you might need to talk to a sex therapist. That is something that you should keep private. If you want to talk about it to your friends, please do it respectfully and in a private place.
Being Drunk: Just shows how classy you are! I don't believe that drinking is bad, and what you do is your business, but don't sit in front of children/teenagers and talk about where you ended up and what you did while you were intoxicated. It is not setting a good example.
I know children/teenagers will learn about this stuff from friends, but still it is just not adult like....to me anyways.
While I am on my soap box, let me tell you one more thing that irks me.
I have had the pleasure of getting to know a young man over the past couple of months. His name will be withheld. He seems like a very respectful man and I am sure he is. But we were inline to pick something up and he didn't stop and let me go first. Now I am not saying this just because it is me, but because I am a woman. I believe with all my heart that men should be raised to respect women....REGARDLESS and if the Lord blesses me with a boy...I will try with all my heart to teach him this.
One of those things is letting women go first...whether it is walking through a door, sitting down or whatever the case.
Ok, I am over it!
The Planners Have Arrived... 2017/2018 Edition
7 years ago
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