Wow, I made it through my first three performances! Four more to go. This has been a fun but exhausting experience.
Friday was our first performance in front of a paying audience. It was for the patrons. My question is, who in their right mind lets the important people come the first night? They should come to like the third for fourth performance. Let us get warmed up! But anyway, we had a patron party afterwards. All I wanted to do was go home and go to sleep, but guess what....they had wine! I was not about to miss that. So I stayed for about 30 minutes and some food and wine. I would have stayed longer, but I was tired and really didn't know anybody but the cast and crew of the play.
Kim and Sherrie gave me three beautiful pink roses. Sherrie has been doing my hair for me during the week. They called me into the bathroom at work and had them waiting for me there.

Saturday, Chris, Joyce, Danny, Miranda, Sterling, Ashley and William all came to the performance. I was so glad that Ashley got to see it, even though she might not have understood everything. Chris said she was waving at me. Wish I could have seen her.
Sunday, Chris, Mom, Dad, Mawmaw, Aunt Amy, Aunt Mary, Terry, Amy, Triston and Brody all came to the performance. We went out to eat at Top O' The River afterwards.
I still get called to speak louder. Look....I am a soft spoken person...this is pretty much not going to change, unless you make me mad. I have had to move my mic to my cheek. I previously had it pinned to my costume in the front. At least I am not the only one who needs to speak louder.
I am tired, tired, and tired...did I say I am tired? This past week has been rough. Working from 8:30 - from 6:15-9:30. Plus it takes about 30 minutes to drive to the theatre, so I have not had much time to rest. I did take four hours off from work Wednesday, but it was spent catching up on household duties.
This week we had Monday-Wednesday off. Which I did nothing those three nights, but lay on the couch and watch TV. I have really missed the couch! The play starts again tonight and goes through Sunday. Kim, Dylan and Sherrie are coming tonight and a couple of others from work are coming Saturday night. I told Chris he didn't have to come every night, since he has seen it twice already.
I will be so glad when we can get pictures from our photographer. I promise to post several of them.
Here are some gifts I received on opening night.
The pillow was made by a cast member and her mom (I believe). It has a small book on the front with my stage name (Mary). On the back it has P&P and the date.