I don't think I have blogged about Bear & Wilson. Bear is our big man and Wilson is my little man. I will post a little bit about both.
I have had Wilson since he was 6 weeks old. I tried to train him to stay in a small kennel, but that didn't work out at all. So he started sleeping in my bed, under the covers. I house trained him very easy. I felt like a real mother getting up 3 or 4 times a night to take him out. I bought him a rain coat, because I got tired of him being wet and coming back to bed! I would carry him everywhere (except work) that I went. We take him camping and to the park. I even rode him on my wave runner, but he didn't like the wind. He loves going for walks while we are camping, but HATES people on bikes. He is very protective of my mother and I, and is know to bite. Just like most dogs, he doesn't like going to the vet. I once dropped him and put him into shock coming out of the doctors office. Scared me to death!
When Chris and I started dating, he didn't like Chris but has come around to like him. He still barks at him.
Here are a few things about my little man Wilson.
*Loves to sit in your lap and will bite someone if they try and pick him up
*Loves to sleep all day (I trained him well)
*Barks at everything
*Loves riding
*Is interested in everything
*Hates it when you make clicking sounds with your fingernails
*Loves to sit in your lap while you eat (Got that from me)
*Hates bees
*Had his picture taken with Santa Claus