Today is such a special day. First I want to thank God for putting Chris in my life. He has taught me more about myself than anyone has. He is so caring (in his own little way) that I really am lucky to have him.
Second I want to share some special gifts that he has given me over the last five years for Valentine's Day.
The first special gift was a gift of Pearls (necklace and earrings). I absolutely love pearls!!! I keep them put up and wear them regularly. I don't want to loose them or damage them so I am picky about where I wear them to. I did wear them at our wedding. I was just thankful that I didn't have to wear fake pearls. He really surprised me with them, because he never gave a hint as to what he was getting me. So I guess I gave a hint, not sure! Anyway I love them and wouldn't take anything for them.
The second special gift is really sweet and I know no one else on the face of this earth has this. I came home from work and Chris had made me a Valentine's Day card on the computer. It had color and some very sweet words. Some people might think this is a cheap gift, but let me tell you this...IT WAS PERFECT! He made it himself and didn't rely on Hallmark. Those type of gifts are so special to me, because it came from the heart. I have thought about framing it and hanging it up.
This year I made Chris a cheesecake and gave him a basket full of his favorite candy. I wrote Happy Valentine Day on the cheesecake because I ran out of room for the 's, but anyway we ate some last night and it was pretty good.
Anyway, I just want to say Happy Valentine's Day Chris. I love you with all my heart!
The Planners Have Arrived... 2017/2018 Edition
7 years ago
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