Monday, March 26, 2012

Pollen :(

Once again the pollen, allergy or what ever you want to call it...I call it the devil...has kicked my butt. This is what the top of our trash can looked like. It was/is everywhere: cars, carport, grass, UGH! I am moving to Alaska! Just kidding.

So Monday I went and visited a relative in Huntsville Hospital. On my way back it was nice enough to roll my windows down and enjoy the wind and radio. Well that night it hit me. I woke up at 2:00am with a fever. The next day I called into work and then quickly made an appointment with a doctor. This was the first time visiting this doctor so they had to do all the first time stuff. (Learned that I am 5ft. 3 1/2) After four prescriptions and $50.00 spent, I was on my way home to get least I thought I was. It has been a rough week. The prednisone made me sweat like crazy and kept me tossing and turning during the night. I felt pretty good the two days after that, but since then it has been crazy. I have no energy and I have been real snappy with people. They just get on my nerves. I don't know if it is the medicine or the allergies. I have used a whole box of puffs with lotion, one toilet paper roll and still need tissue. This past weekend was no fun at all. I stayed inside while Chris was outside mowing our grass. I know most women would be glad to not have to cut the grass...but I love cutting grass. Plus it was a nice day outside. 
I feel good in the mornings, but as the day goes along I feel worse. I will be calling the doctor back tomorrow if I am not better. That way, at least I gave the medicine a week to kick in.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Weekly tidbits

Thought I would share some small things this morning.
• I voted! I believe everyone should vote every time there is an election. Women worked hard back in the day to give us women the right to vote. I really had no idea who to vote for. So before I went to the polls I did some research about the candidates.

• It is very foggy this morning. When I walked Bear I didn't realize it, but less than 45 minutes later it was bad.
•I was also in the crafty mood last night. The basket was going to be thrown away at work, so I took it and spray painted it black, added the ribbon and flower. I only had less than $1 in the whole thing. I had forgot to put gloves on when I painted it and so my left hand was painted black. I thought it would just wash off with soap and water! WRONG...I had to use paint thinner. I kinda went crazy for a little bit about it, but my dad and friend Sherry told me about the paint thinner. Lesson learned!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Our watch dog

I took Bear out of his pen one day last week so he could enjoy being out. I know he has to get tired of staying in the backyard all the time. Since the time had not changed, we only stayed for about 30-45 minutes before it started getting dark. He mainly sat by me and wanted to be petted. He did get up and find a few sticks to chew up. I think in his previous life he was a woodchuck.

He is such a watch dog. Some people that live down the road were coming home. So he had to be attentive and make sure they didn't come in our yard. If you notice the small stick that is in front of him, it didn't stay there long.


Thursday, March 8, 2012

Some Outside Color

I hate having a dull looking yard, but I don't have a green thumb either. So I have to stick with garden flags and easy potted flowers. Things that basically only need water once a day!
So yesterday I had to run by Walmart and get some prices. Well I wondered into the garden department. First I looked at the vegetables, thinking I could grow some. I tried to grow cucumbers once and they only got to the blooming part before they died. Then I thought I needed something colorful for my desk at work. That thought soon faded when I couldn't find anything colorful.
Then I found these Pansies for only $1.68 and I bought them. Total of $1.81...I believe I did good. I already had the container and the potting mix. I loved the yellow and really wanted them, but I wanted some of the purple also. So I got a mix. It says they need 6+ hours of sun light and watered daily. I believe I can handle that.

I had to mention them to Bear this morning before we went for our morning walk. He hates when I bring new things to the house to place outside. I told him to not pee on them or stick his head in the pot. Guess which one he did? If you guessed he stuck his head in the pot, you are correct! I am just waiting for him to pee on them next.

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