We had a busy weekend on the 4th of July. First we spent Saturday with Chris' parents. Miranda, Sterling, Ashley, Granny and Jonathan were also there. We went swimming and grilled out. Chris and Sterling shot skeet (not sure if I spelled that right) for awhile, then they got in the pool with us. Ashley did great in the water. One point we just let her float on her own for about 10 seconds. Trust me, we were no more than a foot from her.
Sunday Chris and I skipped church :( to go to Ashland for their 4th of July celebration. Mom grilled way too much food. Tyler brought Ava up and we played with my barbie dolls and anything else she brought out of my old bedroom.
Later on that evening Adam, Miranda, Sawyer and Madelyn came. Sawyer is so funny and just like Adam. I thought I took some pictures of him but I think I forgot to. We just had a really fun time playing. We shot fireworks after dark and Sawyer started crying because we ran out of sparklers. Poor man :( He loved those things.
On a GREAT NOTE! Chris got a job!!!!!!!!! He will be the band director at Locust Fork High School. He has been really busy this week getting everything ready. He picked a show out Saturday and has been working on the music this week. Next week they start band camp. I can't wait to see the show. The whole community is proud to see him and love his ideas. I got to meet the students and their parents on Thursday night. They are really nice people and I can't wait till football season starts!!!! I meant to take some pictures but I forgot the camera. I was just in a rush to get there. Mom and Dad came up Friday night and we met them at Applebee's in Rainbow City and ate. Saturday we went to our friends the Byrd's house. They had a house full of family and friends. While we were there someone told me that I was to little to be married. When I told the lady how old I was, she was shocked. Makes me fill better about turning 30 next month.
The Planners Have Arrived... 2017/2018 Edition
7 years ago